Rodrigo Puglisi

Rodrigo Puglisi

Strategy, finance, M&A
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
30 years old
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
4 years

Currently, I am working as a Management Consultant at Roland Berger, participating in various projects involving value chain analysis, identification of localization opportunities, P&L and CAPEX modeling for Sovereign Wealth Funds in the Middle East

Prior joining RB, I was pursuing my MBA at IESE Business School, Barcelona, focusing on Strategy, M&A, Social Impact / Impact investing, and Education.

I performed as Summer Senior Associate in Strategy& Middle East during my MBA internship, developing Organizational Structure and Functional Statements for a major Real Estate & Healthcare project in the region.

Before IESE, I was part of the Special Projects Team at Telecom Argentina, where I analyzed investments Telecom had in its opportunity portfolio, including M&A transactions, development of new business units, Capex, among others.

Previously, I acted as a Senior M&A consultant at KPMG, contributing throughout the M&A process, in tasks such as:

. Business & Financial Analysis

. Strategic & Financial Candidates Research & Identification

. Company Valuation (DCF - Comparables)

. Business opportunities Development

. Marketing documents preparation (Teaser - Information Memorandum)

. Market / M&A / Private Equity Research

. Business presentations design

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