

Presently a student in B. Tech Computer Science. Working towards to become a software developer.
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Gandhinagar, Gujart, India
1 year
RITIK RAJ PRASAD Computer Science Undergraduate Mobile:--Gandhinagar,India SKILLS AND ABILITIES PREVIOUS EDUCATION B.Tech in Computer Science Institute of Advanced Research , Gandhinagar July 2019-Present CGPA:7.8 Class 12 (CBSE) Mahapragya Vidya Niketan,Gandhinagar July 2017 -May 2019 Class 10 (CBSE) Percentage: 77% Delhi Public School ,Gandhinagar July 2006-May 2017 LANGUAGE C++ JAVA SQL Html,Css,Javascript (ongoing) CGPA : 8.6 Ms word (intermediate) Ms Excel (intermediate) Ms Powerpint (intermediate) Great writing skills Descent in English and Hindi COUREWORK • Intro to Programming (intermediate) • Data Structure and Algorithm (Ongoing) • Design and Analysis of Algorithm (Basic) • DBMS (Intermediate) • Web Development (Ongoing) PROJECTS • Made an Airport Management System using C++ OTHER ACTIVITIES Sports : Cricket , Athletics Took classes for children of class 8-10; Gaming Volunteer Work
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