Riken Shah

Riken Shah

Hardworker , totally committed towards the work ,never give up attitude.
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
27 years old
Mumbai, Maharashtra , India
1 year

I am a software developer by profession. I am currently working in a private firm. i am working here for almost an year now. Apart from gaining knowledge i found that freelancing provides much more exposure in terms of learning and developing your skills. I am pretty well to do when it comes to websites and Web development. Apart from this i also have keen interest in JAVA.I am keen learner and always look to figure out the problems of clients and work in an efficient manner to provide optimal solution. I am looking forward to get my hands on newer technologies and sharpen my knowledge in the technologies that i am familiar with. If you have something that needs to be done and if you require total commitment then i am your guy.

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