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Pe r s ona l Info r mat i on
Email Address
Contact Number :
217 Kabulusan 2 Brgy 22 Caloocan City-.- ;- ;-
IT Pl ann i ng and Co nt r ol Engi ne e r /IT Aud it o r /Tec hni cal Ma na ge r ; We b
Fo cus So l uti o ns Inc
Augus t 2016- Pr es e nt
As IT Pl an n in g an d Con tro l En g in e er be low are th e re sp on sib il it ie s and its
du tie s
Pl an n in g fo r the im pr ov em e n t of all pro ces se s and proce du r es
Cre at ed ne w poli cie s and stan da rd oper ati n g pro ced ur e
Con tro l an d im pl em e n t all comp an y ru le s poli cie s an d proce d ur e s
Con tro l cost an d ma ke sur e comp an y sav in g is alw ay s a pri or ity
De v el op Tra in i ng mod u le for IT staf f
Con du ct Tra in in g for IT Sta ff and non IT Pe rs onn e l
As IT Aud itor be low are the re sp on sib il it ie s an d its du tie s
Con du ct pe ri odi c IT A udi t to mak e su re th at all poli cie s an d
pro ced ur e s are be in g fol low ed
Re com m e n d im pr ov em e n ts an d dir e ct tea m s to en su r e all poli cie s an d
pro ced ur e are ex e cut ed
De v el op qu es tio nn a ir e th at wil l be an sw er e d by ea ch tea m le ade r to
gath e r re le v an t in fo rm at ion in orde r to de ve l op ne w poli cie s and
pro ced ur e and addr e ss all iss u es th at wil l he lp the comp an y.
As Tech n ical Ma na ge r in Doc Pe dr o Accoun t be low are th e re sp on sib il it ie s
an d its duti e s
En s ur i ng tha t all clie n ts tech n i cal conce rn s are bei n g add re ss and
sol ve d
De v el op str ate gi es th at wil l giv e bett er re sol u tion an d av oid in g
re pe ate d iss u es an d conce r n
Di re cti ng the tea m in giv i n g th e be st tech n ical su ppor t to all its clie n t
both in te rn al an d ex te rn a l cli en t.
Con du ct Tra in in g for all team to en h an ce the ir know le dg e in giv i n g
be st su ppo rt to all our cli en t.
Pr ov id e tim e ly deci si on whe n som et hi n g goe s not par t of th e plan .
Technical Manager ; Pay Phil Exchange Inc.
Nov 2015- April 2016
As the Technical Manager below are the responsibilities and its duties.
" Manages the whole team of IT Professional.
Manages the Network Operation Center
Manages the Application Development Team
Configure and Designed and installation of Network Cabling
Manages Server such as MYOB, File Server, Databases.
Manages VPN and internet facility.
Manages Hardware Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Dean/IT Program Department Chair School of Information Technology in Global City
Innovative College
Feb 2011 – May 31, 2015
As the Dean / IT Department Chair below are the responsibilities and its duties.
Curriculum Development for BSIT Program
Curriculum implementation and revision to address the needs of the industry
Hiring best IT faculty
Preparing Faculty Loading every Semester
Preparing Schedule of Classes
Advising subject for student to be taken every sem
Preparing Propose Tuition Fee’s
Mentoring IT Faculty and Students
Holding Regular Office hours
Handles minimum units of Classes
Responding to students appeals/ complains etc.
Holding Class Room Observation
Evaluate Faculty Performance
Evaluate Students Performance
Checks the Examination prepared by the Faculty
Checks the grades submitted by the Faculty
Preparing Course Outline and Course Syllabus
Evaluate IT Books to be purchase
Manage Computer laboratory
Recommend Software and Hardware for purchase
Planning for Upgrades for both Software and Hardware and other material needed by the
Other Duties as assigned by the board such as ( Chair for the Foundation Day, Graduations etc.)
IT Department Chair & Allied Program in San Beda College Alabang
May 2009-Jan 2011
The department chair is the faculty member responsible for daily operation of the program as well
as long-term oversight of planning, scheduling, and curriculum development.
Preparing class schedules for the dean's review
Proposing curricular changes for the dean's review
Advising new and continuing students
Performing tasks related to student admissions, transfer, and graduation
Responding to student appeals/complaints in accordance with P&Ps
Supervising and evaluating all program staff
Holding regular office hours
Hiring adjunct faculty, student assistants, and graduate assistants
Mentoring faculty
Leading program reviews and accreditations
Overseeing physical facilities and web sites
Helping recruit faculty and students
Suggesting collaborative initiatives
Teaching a limited course load, as determined by the dean
Gathering data and preparing detailed documents
Representing the programs off campus
Serving on or chairing committees, as appropriate
Handling budget-related tasks, as directed by dean
Providing advice and counsel to the dean of faculty performance
Overseeing faculty coordinators in the program
Performing other duties as assigned by the administration
IT Assistant Manager in San Beda Alabang College
September 2008- May 2009
Job Description and Responsibilities:
Assistance in the management and development of all IT services
Supervision and training of junior IT support staff
Maintenance and upgrading of hardware, software and equipment
Researching and publishing in relevant areas
Other duties as may be prescribed by the Head of School.
Part-Time Professor In Manila Business College
March 2008- June 2009
Job Description and Responsibilities:
Handling Classes on Introduction to Information Technology with Word Processing. (6 units)
Handling Classes on Business Application Software. (3 units)
Information Technology Executive of Creative Network
International Global Inc. Philippines Branch
March 1, 2007 – November 16, 2007
Job Description and Responsibilities:
Custody of and responsible for all IT related activities.
Responsible in taking care of all important documents and information of the company
Enhancing good balance in organizational structure and operating techniques.
Accountable for the design and infrastructure IT systems of CNI Philippines.
Training staff related to IT. Manages all the troubles related to IT.
Responsible for all IT Infrastructures.
Systems Engineer/Administrator
Amkor Technology Philippines
April 19, 2004 - February 2007
Job Description and Responsibilities:
Administering most of the Servers such as Proxy Server, File Server, Anti-virus Server, RAS
server, Printer Server, Windows 2000 Server SQL Server, NFS Server running in Solaris.
Customer Own Server that is usually Window base.
Responsible in handling network configuration, printer configuration, anti-virus configuration, and
trouble shoot and repaired of workstation that has window base OS.
Handling Network Structuring and cabling.
Accountable in handling different projects that helps the company to improve its services to our
Responsible for security issues in terms of hardware, software and information.
Instructor/IT Technical Engineer (ITRG)
Asia Pacific College - Makati
Oct 2000 – 2004
Job Description and Responsibilities:
Taught the following subject:
3 Term- Notes Administration 3 units subject 1 section
3 Term- Data Communication 3 units 2 sections
2 Term- Notes Administration 3 units subject 3 sections
1 Term- Data Communication 3 units 1 section
3 Term- Groupware 3 units 3 section
2 Term- Operating System 3 units 1 section
1 Term- Groupware 3 units 2 section
Nov 2000- March 2001 handles training classes At IBM-ACE ( SM North Edsa & Benquet Center
Taught Computer Organization, Data Communication, Comparative of OS
1 Term- Computer Organization 3 units 2 section
Responsibility as Staff of (ITRG) Information Technology Resource Group
Handles Technical Support to all staff and students of Asia Pacific College
Specialize in Prevention of Virus and administering virus problem
PC troubleshooting and repair, software installation and hardware installation
Network installation and server administration (Domino server)
Software and Hardware (computer) Inventory of All IT resources of Asia Pacific College
Graduate Studies:
Asia Pacific College -)
Master’s in Information Management
University of the East (Caloocan) (1995 – 2000)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
High School:
Malabon Municipal High School (1991 – 1995)
Epifanio Delos Santos Elementary School (1985 – 1991)
Technical , Managerial, Interpersonal and Communication Skills
System Analysis and Design
Project Management Skills
System Administration and System Engineering.
PC Trouble Shooting and Repair
Network Design and Trouble Shooting and Repair, Structured Cabling
Server Administration (Domino Lotus Notes R5 and R6, WinNT, Windows 2000, SQL Server,
Solaris Server,)
Software and Hardware Installation and Trouble shooting
Basic Electronic, Logic Circuitry
Information Management
Programming Concept
Web Based System
Technical Documentation
Server Backup and Restoration
VPN and Firewall Management
Virus Prevention, System Backup, System Imaging, System Restoration
Tra in i ng s an d se mi n ar atte n de d
Seminar entitled “ Leveraging the Integrated Power of Excel and Prezi Held at GCIC February 13,
Seminar on “Innovate like Edison” held at GCIC August 2, 2014
Valuing Individual Learning Differences Moving Up from Theory to Practice held at GCIC
February 7, 2014
Global Manager Training Innovative Mindset Held at GCIC January 13, 20, 27 & February 5, 2014.
Given March 17, 2014
Outcomes Based Currcula for BSCS, BSIT, BSIS in Entertainment and Multimedia Computing
Programs Forum. Held at UP Diliman Q.C December 9, 2013
Goodbye Cruelty: A Survivor’s Battle” A symposium on Depression and Suicidal Tendencies
among Adults. Held at GCIC November 13, 2013
A Basic Counselling Skills Seminar Workshop Held At GCIC September 20, 2013
Forum on the New Specialization Tracks in Higher Education Held at Manila Tytana Colleges
August 13, 2013
Test Construction : “The Art of Questioning” Held at GCIC August 10, 2013
Faculty Orientation for Academic Year- Held at GCIC June 22, 2013
Optimizing Health the Natural Way Seminar Held at Microsoft Philippines , May 24, 2013
PHCERT Local and Global Cooperation Seminar Held at Microsoft Philippines May 24, 2013
Re-defining the Transformational purpose of 21 century Modern day Schools Seminar Held at
GCIC April 5, 2013
Understanding the Psychology of People in the Workplace Seminar, Held at GCIC, February 21,
Ethics and Excellence in the Workplace and Beyond Seminar Held at Microsoft Philippines,
January 23, 2013
ICT Roadmap of DOST-ICTO Seminar, Held at Microsoft Philippines January 23, 2013
Test Development Workshop held at Global City Innovative College Dated Dec 13-14 , 2012
Information Security Standards and Ethical Hacking Held at Microsoft Philippines dated April 26,
Test Construction Seminar Held at GCIC July 27, 2012
Choosing Happiness: Enhancing Interpersonal Relationship Skills Held at Microsoft Philippines
dated April 26, 2012
Cloud 101 Series Held at Microsoft Philippines dated March 28, 2012
Choosing Happiness: Every Step Counts Held at Microsoft Philippines dated March 28, 2012
Microsoft Teach Tech Held at Dusit Thani Hotel Makati City dated march 2, 2012
Cyber Terrorism Held at Microsoft Philippines dated January 19, 2012
Choosing Happiness: Define Your Dream Held at Microsoft Philippines dated January 19, 2012
Primer on Sustainability Report for Technology Sector Held at Microsoft Philippines dated Nov 17,
The Five Choices to Extraordinary Productivity held at Microsoft Philippines dated Nov 17, 2011
Social Media as the New People Power Held at Microsoft Philippines Makati City Dated October
20, 2011
Keeping Passion Alive Held at Microsoft Philippines Makati City Dated October 20, 2011
Certificate of Appreciation as one of the Resource Persons during Parenting Seminar: “ 10 Things
Teenagers Won’t Normally Tell Their Parents” Held at GCIC AVR dated October 15, 2011
Technology: A Friend or a Foe? Held at Microsoft Philippines dated Sept 22, 2011
Parameters of Successful IT Project Held at Microsoft Philippines dated Sept 22, 2011
Career Congress 2011 for Administrators: Securing Internships. Securing Jobs. Securing Future
Held at SMX Convention Center SM Mall of Asia Pasay City Dated August 26, 2011
Nursing Informatics Instructors Development Program Held at ADPCN Center for Training and
Development Diliman Quezon City Dated July 8-9 2011
Four-Day Faculty Development Program for Academic Year- Held at Global City
Innovative College Dated June 6-9 2011
Cloud Camp Manila Held at Shangri-La Hotel Makati City Dated May 23, 2011
How to Prepare an Operational Manual for Educational Institutions Dated May 11-12 , 2011 held
at UP Diliman QC
The Global Education Orientation Seminar Dated May 10, 2011 at held GCIC
Web Apps, Mobile and Innovative Digital Devices and Digital Files: Enabler of Knowledge for ALL
dated Oct 22, 2010 at Microsoft Philippines Makati City
Leading in the Knowledge Worker Age dated Oct 22, 2010 at Microsoft Philippines Makati City
Forensics : Windows held at Microsoft Philippines Makati City Dated Sep 22, 2010
7 Habits Applications for Managers Overview held at Microsoft Philippines Makati City Dated Sep
22, 2010
“Probing E-Secretes : Cryptology’s Ramifications for Netizens” Dated August 6, 2010 at AIM
Conference Center Makati City
“Leadership in the Wired World “ Dated August 6, 2010 at AIM Conference Center Makati City
CAS Planning and Team Building Session Held at SBCA dated June 4, 2010
Bedan Educators Role in Elections 2010 with Dinky Soliman Held at SBCA dated December 7,
Minstrel, Moderator , Missionary Three Images of a Dynamic Teacher held at SBCA dated Nov 23,
Learning Management System Seminar Dated July 28, 2009 at San Beda College Alabang
Administrator’s Summer Conference Dated May 15, 2009 Held at San Beda College Alabang
Essentials Featuring the Solaris 9 Operating Environment Held in Sun Microsystems in Makati
City Dated Feb-
Intermediate System Administration for the Solaris 9 Operating Systems Environment held in Sun
Microsystems Dated Feb-
Basic Linux Systems Administration and X Windowing Environment (April-June 2001)
Network Linux Systems Administration for LAN WAN Connectivity (April-June 2001)
Network Security Administration and Enterprise Systems Management (April-June 2001)
Overview of TCP/IP held in UP Diliman Nov 26, 2002
Practical Host-based Internetworking Held in UP Diliman Nov 26, 2002
Electronic Workbench, Held in UE Caloocan 1999
AutoCAD, Held in UE Caloocan 1999
Visual Basic held at UE Caloocan
Data communication Using Internet Advisor
Computer Assembly and Disassembly
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy, Basic Cellular Concept,
Linux Mandrake Operating System, MS Office 2000
Re cog ni t i on/ Appr e ci a t i on
Certificate of Recognition : Resource Speaker on Parenting Seminar entitled “ 10 Things Parents
must Do to connect with Their Children: Parenting Seminar on the Love Languages of
Teens. Held at Pateros Catholic School Given November 15, 2014
Certificate of Recognition : Voted as the most “ FEISTY = VERY LIVELY AND AGGRESSIVE”
given during the Global Teachers Day October 3, 2014
Certificate of Recognition : Voted as the most JOCUND = FULL OF OR SHOWING HIGHSPIRITED MERRIMENT” given during the Global Teachers Day October 3, 2014
Certificate of Recognition : Voted as the most “ INDOMITABLE = UNCONQUERABLE – NOT
EASILY DISCOURAGED ” given during the Global Teachers Day October 3, 2014
Certificate of Recognition : Voted as the most “ Inimitable = Unmatchable” given during the Global
Teachers Day October 3, 2014
Certificate of Appreciation as Facilitator and Resource Speaker “ Discovering a Grateful Heart
Global Retreat 2013 Held at St Michael Retreat Center Antipolo City, March-
Certificate of Appreciation as one of the Resource Persons during Parenting Seminar: “ 10 Things
Teenagers Won’t Normally Tell Their Parents” Held at GCIC AVR dated March 23, 2012
Certificate of Recognition as Resource Speaker and Trainer Held at Eton Ortigas Quezon City
dated January 11, 2012
Certificate of Recognition as the Adviser for Global Information Technology Society given August
18, 2012
Certificate of Recognition for an Article Entitled “ Employability of SBCA CAS IT Students: Inputs
for IT Program Enhancement “ given at Dec 16, 2010 AT SBCA
Certificate of Appreciation for Manning the First Quiz Bowl Invitational Challenge Held at Manila
Business College Dated July 26, 2008
Certificate of Recognition as Workshop Facilitator in the 2009 National Seminar-Workshop on
Mathematics and Science Education Dated Nov- at Gracious Hotel Angeli
Abanao Baguio City
UE Representative, SM Foundation
President, SM Foundation
3 Year Representative, Engineering Student Council
4 Year Representative, Engineering Student Council
Vice-President, Engineering student Council
President, Engineering Student Council
NCR Director Jesus is Alive Bible Training Centre (2010- Present
I hereby certify that the above information is true with the best of my knowledge.
Engr. Richard A. Sobrepeña, MIM