Rey Arconado

Rey Arconado

Collision Appraiser,Motor Car Fraud Investigator,Specialty on Acts of Nature Claim ,QAA
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
37 years old
Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines
11 years

I previously worked in Insurance company for 7 years as Sr. Technical Assistant

(Insurance Appraiser/Analyst).My Primary job is to Inspect Car Collision and I specialize on Fraud Claims and Acts of Nature Claim.

Recently I've worked in a BPO company(US Account) as a QAA or Auto Damage Estimate Auditor for 3 1/2 years.Where in my primary job is to review the audit supplements and revision . Review claim files and estimates of damaged vehicles and ensure they are in compliance with insurance regulations and required collision repair procedures.

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