Rebecca Don

Rebecca Don

HUBSPOT EXPERT DEVELOPER | WordPress | Dynamics 365 | Marketo | Web Developer | Front-End Developer
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
Davao City, Davao, Philippines
10 years
Rebecca Dongallo WEB DEVELOPER | FRONT-END DEVELOPER www. OBJECTIVE: ABOUT ME I am a full scale Front-End Developer from Davao City, Philippines with 9 years rich experience in Web Development sphere, committed to pixel perfect results. Pixel-perfect and results-oriented developer with 9 years rich experience in web development sphere seeks to secure the position of Web/Front-End Developer in your prestigious company and hope to share my skills, expertise and experience with your team and valuable clients. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Bachelors of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) CONTACT INFORMATION - - Intercity College of Science & Technology (ICST) Davao City, Philippines WORK EXPERIENCES: - Davao City, Philippines Senior Programmer - On-demand Webmasters | 902 Web Solutions | Panasall Inc. HubSpot COS Implementation Specialist - Freelance - Gelato - Global On-Demand Printing Platform CONNECT WITH ME live:.cid.8ea744fe60f2a3bf OR -Skype Name: Rebecca Don As Needed Web Programmer - Harvest Asia Philippines WordPress Developer - Morgan Marketing Freelance WordPress & OC Expert 2012 Boost Your Business Freelance Project Manager 2012 Honor Them Foundation Assistant Web Developer 2012 Laurize Albarracin Technical Support 2012 Lane Systems Davao Web Designer 2011 Osomnimedia Web Design Studio Web Designer/Developer - OJT Philippine Global Outsourcing 2011 EXPERIENCED SKILLS: WordPress/Web Development WP Custom Theme / Template Integration WP CMS Development & System Design Implementation & setup Responsive coding WordPress Custom Plugin Customization From scratch to finish. eCommerce PSD Conversions ABOUT ME I am a full scale Front-End Developer from Davao City, Philippines with 9 years rich experience in Web Development sphere, committed to pixel perfect results. Others PSD to responsive WordPress Website Design PSD to responsive HubSpot PSD to responsive HTML/CSS Content Management Website Maintenance HubSpot Development Create fully responsive Page templates Create fully responsive Email templates Create fully responsive Blog templates Other HubSpot implementation needs Existing website modification Design integration Implementation & setup Responsive coding CONTACT INFORMATION -- Davao City, Philippines CERTIFICATION: Certified HubSpot Designer 2017 HubSpot Academy CONNECT WITH ME SKILLS SET: live:.cid.8ea744fe60f2a3bf OR -Skype Name: Rebecca Don Wor dPre ss 90% Bo ots t ra p 95% HubS po t 90% HTML /CSS 95% PSD Conversions (PSD To WordPress, PSD To HTML/CSS, PSD To HubSpot) 95% Ja v aS cr ipt /jQ uery 80% Z ur b Fo undat ion 80% S ASS /S CS S 60% A ng ula r 40% Photo sho p 80% V i s i t m y P o r tf ol i o a t w w w . re b e c ca do n ga ll o. c om / p o r tfo l io/
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