Rahul Ezhuvanparambil Ramadevan

Rahul Ezhuvanparambil Ramadevan

Experience in Payable, Receivable, General Ledger, Journal Vouchers, Petty cash maintaining etc...
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
39 years old
Doha, CA-BC, Qatar
9 years
Rahul Rama adevan Mob:- | E: rahulram madevan@g gmail.com S Skype id: rahulramad devan Linke edIn: https:///www.linked din.com/in/rrahul-ramadeevan- 86a3334b/ Al Muntaza a, Doha, Qattar PROFES SSIONAL SU UMMARY SKILLS Experien nced Accoun ntant with 10 0 years of exxperience loo oking for a ssuitable accounta ant post. Dettail-oriented with extenssive knowled dge of accounting, record d maintena ance, comprrehensive acccount recon nciliations, exceptional documen ntation mana agement ski lls and proce ess develop pment experttise. Skills working with w accounting software e programs,, including M Microsoft Dyn namic, Focus, and Sun Tech & Tally. Drriven and en nterprising people-perso on with attentive nature and in-depth Ac counting exp perience.      WORK HISTORY H Vision, Decision-making ab bility, Lea adership, Ab ble to work w with Tea am, Self-mottivated profe essional Inve entory Contrrol; Warehou using & disttributions Exttremely Hone est, Optimisstic, Flex xible, Hard Working W MS S Office, E-Commerce, E E-Mail, Outtlook ERP (Microsoftt Dynamic, F Focus, Sun n Tech)         Accountt reconciliation specialist Adminisstrative supp port Closing processes & Audit coordina ation Advance ed bookkeep ping skills Accountts payable a and receivab ble General ledger acco ounting expertisse Cash Flow analysis Budget analysis ACCOUN NTANT 11/2018 tto CURRENT Qatar Intternational First for Ele hanical, QIFEM | Doha, Qatar ectro Mech  Han ndles all ven ndors & custtomers’ corre espondence e via phone o or email, ‘Ma anaged apprroximately 30 0 incoming ccalls, emailss and faxes p per day from m cus stomers and vendors  Cha arges expen nses to acco unts and cost centers by analyzing invo oice/expense reports; re ecording entries  Pay ys vendors by b monitoring g discount o opportunitiess; scheduling g and preparing cheques; resolvin ng purchase e order, conttract, invoice e, or paymen nt disc crepancies and a docume entation; insu uring credit is received fo or outs standing me emos; issuin g stop-paym ments or purcchase orderr ame endments  Rec conciles variious accoun nts by identify fying errors in posting orr omissions by applying a app propriate acccounting sta andards  Pre epares purch hase invoice s & non-inve entory purch hase order re equisitions and d processing g payments  Verrifying LPO's s from the cu ustomers an nd prepares proforma invvoices to the e cus stomers and following th e payments                Prepares debit and credit notes for all the adjustments (sales return, purchase return) Attaches the corresponding purchase orders to incoming invoices with all supporting documentation Process employees 'salaries through WPS & supplier payments through CDC,PDC,LC &Wire Transfer Process remittance information from wire transfers/LC for invoices provided by vendors, reviewing instructions accompanying items to determine proper disposition and crediting accounts in accordance with standard procedures Handling financial transaction with Foreign Supplier's (Malaysia,Germany,UK,USA,Netherlands,Ireland,Switzerland,India) Verifies vendor & customer accounts by reconciling monthly statements and related transactions Investigates and resolves problems associated with the processing of invoices and purchase orders Disburses petty cash by recording entry; verifying documentation Assists with a monthly status report, monthly closings and Performs other duties as required to support the accounting Department Coordinated fixed asset additions and retirements Gathered information and entered data into the computer system Restructured and analyzed ERP to improve budget reporting Analyzed costs and revenues to project future trends Collaborated extensively with auditors during preliminary and year-end audit processes Reached out to customers to verify the information and follow up on issues ACCOUNTANT 05/2013 to 08/2018 IBIN AJAYAN GROUP | Doha, Qatar  Finalizing accounts & Facilitate and complete monthly close procedures  Revenue and cost allocation to branches  Assist with analyzing financial statements on a monthly basis and reports on variances to budget Analyst  Review/preparation of daily journal vouchers for all expenses with all supporting documents  Checking the correctness of all the daily transaction entered in the system  Make a review of individual and commercial customer files  Reconciles Bank accounts, supplier's ledger, and sister company accounts  Prompt and effective handling of supplier queries and 'Managed approximately 50 incoming calls, emails and faxes per day from customers  Monitoring and posting daily cash sales, pos, petty cash and ensure deposits are made in timely manner  Process supplier payments through Cheque, EFT & LC       Cash forecasting, collection review, and suppliers are paid based on the credit terms Generating report on a regular basis prescribed by the Finance Manager Maintaining schedules such as air ticket provision, end of service benefit (Gratuity), etc. and providing monthly provision Capitalization of fixed assets accurately and timely calculation of depreciation Handling financial transaction with Franchise Head office (Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, India) Liaising with external and internal auditors for the month/year end audits ACCOUNTANT Malabar Gold & Diamonds | India & UAE. 12/2009 to 02/2013 ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT 02/2009 to 11/2009 I VISION EYE HOSPITAL KERALA | Thrissur, India, Kerala EDUCATION MBA | Finance ISBM University, Pune, MH 12/2010 Bachelor of Arts | Accounting And Finance University of Calicut, Kozhikode, KL 04/2007 REFERENCE  Mr. Saad Taj Khan Finance Manager Ibin Ajayan Group, Doha, Qatar Tel : -, Email :- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION    Date: , RAHUL RAMADEVAN Place: Qatar
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