Ragi Mooketh Gopi

Ragi Mooketh Gopi

Accounts payable,General Ledger, Data Analyst,Admin
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
36 years old
Doha, Qatar, Qatar
5 years

I have 5+ years of work experience. My last company is CMA CMG and have worked as Financial Associate and belonged to the Accounts payable team. I have also worked at Renault and Nissan as a senior process Analyst and we have used the OCR tool for the work process. And I have the Performance Awards like:

Best performance of the month

Received Appreciation from clients for clearing open items in Escalatable projects.

Best team of the year.

I have experience in:

Accounts payable,

General Ledger

Invoice processing

Fast typing

Good Excel skill

Managing the reports with high quality

I will always give my best

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