Radosalw Mendon

Radosalw Mendon

Resolving daily and complex issues with workstations
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
30 years old
Warsaw, Masovian, Poland
2 years
Radosław Mendoń Date of birth:- EDUCATION e-mail: radoslaw.mendon @outlook.com Middle school im. S. Wyspiańskiego in Rzeszowie. - European profile. Mobile: - EXPERIENCE Address: ul. Swietlista 11/2, Warsaw now – 03/2015 Agora S.A., developer of Gazeta Wyborcza* - paid practice in IT department, - help users with their daily and complex issues, - replacing user workstations, - creating back-up's of data user files, - preparing new workstations for users, Agora S.A.* - IT Specialist - managing windows based family systems(XP, 7, 8, 10), OS X or Android, - managing workstations via AD/SCCM, - basics of Cisco switch configuration, - manage of Erricson central, - administration of Microsoft System Center, MS Office-), JD Edwards Adobe family software, Citrix, Quark, AutoDesk, - performing structured cabling, - diagnose and fix windows based workstations and Mac based workstations. LANGUAGES English B2 level of speech and writting. ZAINTERESOWANIA Basketball, movies, hi-tech and technology. * reference on demand from Witold Wluka - head of IT department in Agora S.A.
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