Racquel Rafallo

Racquel Rafallo

I am a freelance virtual assistant.
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Hourly ($/hour)
43 years old
Cordon, Isabela, Isabela, Philippines
10 years
PROFESSIONAL CAREER RACQUEL RAFALLO VIRTUAL ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE PROFILE I am a professional with broad experience in handling international accounts. I deal with complex issues efficiently. I am a detail and goal-oriented person with a drive for excellence. I am a team player and help the company grow, expand its horizons and gain more revenue. I don't think about how much money I am going to make but how I can help the company overcome obstacles. Virtual Assistant Lessons.com.au | September 2022- March 2023 Responsibilities: -Data entry -Data Research on leads providing lessons -Update/upload info on the system -Basic editing on logos Contracting Operations Analyst Accenture| July 2018 - July 2022 -Handled international accounts and assisted clients daily via email/chat -Worked with team leaders to resolve client issues -Talked to clients over the phone to resolve issues -Check surveys if they are aligned with the client’s policies -Discuss weekly reports with the team Virtual Assistant Grow My Team | December 2015- January 2018 Responsibilities: -Data entry -Transcribe audio files to doc files -Uploading info on the system Web Content Specialist YellAdworks Philippines| April 2012 - October 2015 SKILLS COMMUNICATION CONTENT WRITING TYPING CUSTOMER SERVICE EMAIL/CHAT MULTITASKING DATA ENTRY/RESEARCH SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT RECRUITMENT SHIPPING LOGISTICS DATA UPKEEPING SALES -Creates content for small, medium, and large businesses for their mini websites online and creates a link directing to their main website -Updates the system for updates on client's info Communications Assistant Stellar Philippines| December 2007 - February 2010 -Assisted the deaf via online chat (relay operator) Recruitment Specialist/Customer Service Representative ICT Philippines| May 2003 - October 2007 -Conducts Interviews and Assessments -Prepares contracts for the newly hired -Conducts the job orientations -Sells pre-approved credit cards to clients over the phone -Sells credit card protection to clients over the phone EDUCATION HISTORY Miriam College GET IN TOUCH! Mobile:- Email:-Address: 125 San Jose Street, Purok 5, Turod Norte, Cordon, Isabela 3312 Philippines Skype: live:rzrumbaoa Personality Test Link: https://www.123test.com/report/J8GEJGI96JLB EVUN4J/ Bachelor of Arts in International Studies -Class of 2003 -Candidate for The Harvard Project for International Relations (HPAIR) -Member, The Volleyball Team Brent International High School Class of 1999 - Member Member Member Member of of of of the the the the Good Samaritan Club Volleyball Team Photography Club Yearbook Club
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