Rabia Bashir

Rabia Bashir

Computer Engineering, WordPress, Photoshop, HTML5, Bootstrap
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
34 years old
Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
3 years
Rabia Bashir House # 43 Street # 01, Ittihad Colony Behind Sui Gas Office Gulberg III, Lahore Pakistan Date of Birth:- CNIC #:- Telephone #-,- E mail:-Objective To expand my professional capacity and work-related skills in Electronics and Electrical Engineering to make use of my education as well as to enrich my knowledge about the Industry. Education Feb. 2014-Feb. 2016 Aug. 2007 – Jul. 2011 Jul. 2005-Jul. 2007 Jul. 2003-Jul. 2005 COMSATS Institute of Information and Technology, Islamabad (Wah Cantt, Campus) MS Electrical Engineering with 3.73 C.G.P. A International Islamic University, Islamabad BS Electronics Engineering with 3.63 C.G.P. A F. G Post Graduate College for Women, Wah Cantt Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) with 67% marks F.G. Girls High School No.2 Wah Cantt Metric (Science) with 81% marks Projects Semester Projects  Line Following Mini Robotics Car.  Temperature Sensor using AT89C51 Microcontroller  AM modulator/demodulator using communication modules H/W and S/W implementation  Regulated Power Supply  Audio Power Amplifier  Digital Voltmeter  Tic Tac Toe game using C++  Area and Power Efficient Carry Select Adder Final Year Project Digital Gas Controller Using GSM Thesis Objective Function Evaluation and Analysis of Image Fusion Techniques Subject of Interest           Embedded System Electric Machines Power Electronics Electronics Devices Signal & System Control System Digital Control System Advance Digital Design ASIC and FPGA Design Digital Signal Processing and Digital Image Processing Achievement 3rd Prize wined in 2nd Open House 2011 at IIUI Certification      23rd International Cultural Exhibition 2011 at IIUI CEPEX 2011 at COMSAT Islamabad Inter University Project Competition DICE 2010 at IST Islamabad Attended Conference on Energy Management at IIUI Attended workshop on programming on Open CV 2013 at COMSAT Wah Cantt Internship Jun. 2009-Aug. 2009      Jul. 2010-Aug. 2010 Pakistan Ordinance Factories B & G. SAA Fy. Brass Mill Services Group Weapons Fy. PAC Kamra (KARF Fac)  Study on whole Integration of JF-17 Thunder, Radars  Visit in Integration and Electronic Block of KARF Factory. Skills      Programming Languages: Engineering Software’s: Web Designer Online Advertising Office Management VERILOG HDL, MATLAB, LATEX PSpice, Proteous, MATLAB, Dip Trace Experience  Worked as freelancer on online network on website freelancer.com, odesk.com from 2010 (mostly work was related to signal and image processing in MATLAB and implementation on different software)  Worked as Lecturer and Lab Engineer at Poly Technique College Wah Cantt-.  Worked as Research Officer at Global Illuminators Jan 2016 – Dec 2017 References References will be available on request.
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