Rabemanantsoa Adrienne Irma

Rabemanantsoa Adrienne Irma

I am a translator, an interpreter and a writer
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32 years old
Antananarivo, Madagascar, Madagascar
10 years
CURRICULUM VITAE Adrienne Irma RABEMANANTSOA 27 years old Malagasy, Single - Currently dwelling in Antananarivo, Madagascar- Educational background Years- High School / University Degree University of Applied Science and Postgraduate degree Management, Benin, Mobility scholarship (Madagascar) and Master II funded by the European Union (Benin) in Journalism Strategy and Communication for Development Distinction: High Honors - University of Antananarivo, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Communication Department Have successfully achieved the 4th year in Communication and Media - University of Antananarivo, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Anglophone studies Bachelor of Arts, Option English for Specific Purposes Distinction: Honorable mention Trainings Years Field September Transforming society- Mi’harena and The Institute - A Silicon Valley 2018 (one day) Think Tank- November 2018 (one week) Impact Mada- Camp- Trainings in Leadership- Personal DevelopmentStewardship- Social Media- Youth Department of the Adventist Indian Ocean Union. June-August 2016 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African leaders, University of Notre Dame Indiana and Washington DC November 2013 (one week) Radiobroadcasting, Africamedias, Malagasy media center April 2015 (one week) Community radio and climate change issues, FOCOJ Project, University of Antananarivo July 2015 (one week) Community-Led Total Sanitation, MCDI, FAA, Madagascar Professional Experience Years Activities Since 2009 Freelance translator and interpreter (details in the appendix) Since 2015 Founder of AIR Communication, providing Translation and Interpretation Services. Since 2019 Interpreter of HE Andrinirina Rajoelina, President of the Republic of Madagascar January- March 2017 Consultant in Communication, Marketing and InterpretationMadagascar Import SEAM- Arizona- California 2015 Consultant in Communication, CLTS, Translation and Interpretation-FAA Program, MCDI Madagascar June 2014December 2015 Teacher at the Communication Department of the University of Antananarivo. - Member of the research team of the FOCOJ (continuing education in journalism in Madagascar) project belonging to CERCOM (communication research center) and AUF ( Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) ( working on the improvement of journalism in Madagascar through surveys, workshops and other events) - In charge of the radiobroadcast Strive for Excellence (meant to teach English for beginners) and Songs of praise in Oasis radio, FM 106.4 ( volunteer) December 2014July 2015 Journalist, Editor of the AmCham post, a joint initiative between The American Chamber of Commerce and L’Express, published every Monday, in L’Express July 2014- August 2014 Organization Committee of Afro Basket U 18- Madagascar with COCAN February 2014-May Cultural Intern at the Public affairs Section of Madagascar’s US 2014 embassy May 2013- July 2013 Intern on communication and fundraising at BETHESDA NGO Cotonou, Benin January 2012- April Journalist, reporter, www.lemurecords.com- Accompanying guide and hostess. Well Come In Agency January 2011-June 2011 English teacher at the Human Resources Training Center ( CFRH Tsaralalàna) - English teacher at LEA Ambatolampy Language skills Malagasy French English Mother tongue Fluent Fluent Leisure activities • Music • Reading • Practicing sports • Cooking Computing skills Pack office Internet References: - Dr Joséa Ratsirarson, Former Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, Madagascar-- Ms Clara Rudholm, Program Officer, GSF/ WSSCC (Global Sanitation Fund/ Water and Sanitation Collaborative Council)- APPENDIX INTERPRETATION SINCE 2009 Month, Year, Duration Session, Venue Organizers Type of interpretation May 2019 (4 Training in the UNOPS/WSSCC/ days) integration of Equality MCDI Simultaneous (French-EnglishFrench) and non-discrimination in the Community-led Total Sanitation approach, Cotonou, Benin May 2019 Third meeting of the (one day) steering committee of IOC Simultaneous (French-EnglishFrench) WATERAID Whispering, consecutive (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) the MASE agreements, Antananarivo, Madagascar May 2019 (3 days) May 2019 (Half a day) Audit Madagascar Presentation of the letter Presidency of Madagascar of credence from the Ambassador of India to the President of Madagascar Consecutive (FrenchEnglish-French) May 2019 Visit of Japanese Presidency of (one day) investors at the Madagascar Consecutive (FrenchEnglish-French) Malagasy President's office April 2019 Official ceremony of the Presidency of (Half a day) beginning of the fight Madagascar-UNFPA Simultaneous (Malagasy/French) against domestic violence April 2019 Congress of Pneumologists Pneumalga Simultaneous (English-French- English) April 2019 (Half a day) Meeting with an investor Private client Consecutive (FrenchEnglish-French) April 2019 Opening ceremony of the rehabilitation of Manjakamiadana’s Palace Presidency of Madagascar Simultaneous Quicksilver Media Consecutive (2 days) Documentary on the case of young girls in Madagascar’s prisons March 2019 (two days) Training on How to operate a drone UNDP March 2019 (Half a day) Signature of a convenTarapahazavan’i Consecutive (Malation between the associ- Madagasikara Associ- gasy-English-Malaation House of Madaation gasy) gascar and an investor March 2019 (One day) Lunch and conference Presidency of Madaduring the celebration of gascar women’s day in Majunga (3 days) (Half a day) March 2019 (French-MalagasyFrench) (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) Consecutive (Malagasy-English-Malagasy) Simultaneous (Malagasy- French- Malagasy) March 2019 (Half a day) Presentation of Letters of credence from the Ambassadors of Sweden, Ethiopia, Israel to the President of Madagascar Presidency of Madagascar Consecutive (FrenchEnglish-French) February 2019 Visit of an investor from Presidency of Mada(half a day) the Philippines at the gascar Malagasy President’s office Consecutive (FrenchEnglish-French) February 2019 Visit of the South (half a day) African Ambassador and an investor at the Malagasy President’s office Presidency of Madagascar Consecutive (FrenchEnglish-French) February 2019 Strategy on Malnutri(5days) tion Control in Madagascar ADRA Simultaneous and Consecutive (EnglishFrench- English) February 2019 Investigation by a jour- WATERAID nalist on Water, Sanita(10 days) tion and Hygiene (Tsiroanomandidy and Morondava) Consecutive (Malagasy-English-Malagasy) November 2018 (one day) Report on Statelessness United nations in Madagascar Simultaneous and Consecutive (EnglishMalagasy- English) October 2018 (5 days) Technical meeting to COMESA examine Madagascar’s Report on Structural Vulnerability Assessment Simultaneous (English-French- English) September 2018 (5 days) Audit of a Vanilla oper- Lacon Institute ator in Sambava Simultaneous and Consecutive (EnglishMalagasy- English) August 2018 (one day) UNFPA’s strategic re- UNFPA treat Simultaneous (English-French- English) July 2018 (5 days) Assessment of Mada- WHO gascar’s Strategy on plague control Simultaneous and Consecutive (EnglishFrench- English) March 2018 (5 Evaluation of UNDP’s UNDP project in the south west days) of Madagascar: interviews and focus groups Consecutive and whispering (Malagasy-French-Malagasy) February 2018 Training on human re- ADRA Madagascar sources management (3 days) Consecutive and whispering (Malagasy- English-Malagasy) February 2018 Courtesy visit and OCHA stakeholder meetings (one day) Whispering, consecutive (French/englishMalagasy- French/ English) January 2018 (two days) Workshop on mainstreaming Whispering, consecutive (French/englishMalagasy- French/ English) December 2017 (seven days) IPA Best Practice Train- EDBM ing Simultaneous (English-French- English) November 2017 (two days) Courtesy visit and British Petroleum stakeholder meetings Consecutive and whispering (FrenchEnglish-French) November 2017 (one day) Inauguration of a Power Com&Co Plant Consecutive and whispering (FrenchEnglish-French) November 2017 (one day) Visit of the General Sec- Ministry of Tourism retary of WTO in Madagascar Consecutive and whispering (FrenchEnglish-French) October 2017 (five days) Field visit gender GIZ WaterAid Madagascar Whispering , consecutive (Malagasy- English-Malagasy) July 2017 (five Training on Hydropow- COMESA er days) Simultaneous (English-French- English) July 2017 (two South-West Indian days) Ocean: United for a IOC Simultaneous (English-French- English) Ministry of Finance Simultaneous (English-French- English) shared prosperity through the Blue Economy June 2017 (one day) Workshop on Finance December 2016 Training- Maritime se- IOC curity November 2016 (two days) Stakeholders’meeting RedCross Madagascar Simultaneous (Engfor the establishment of lish-French- English) a strategic plan October 2016 (one day) Workshop on Energy GIZ Simultaneous (English-French- English) April 2016One month GSF Learning Event MCDI- WSSCC All type March (one day) Meeting between Salama and Chemonics Chemonics Whispering (EnglishFrench- English) March 2016 (2 Workshop on Customer Orange Madagascar, days) Centricity, Tour Orange, CGAP Madagascar Simultaneous (English-French- English) Simultaneous (English-French- English) March 2016 (2 Conference on the esSoroptimist Madagasdays) tablishment of the Fed- car eration of Soroptimist in Africa, Carlton Madagascars February 2016 Trade in services(2 days) Malagasy national consultations workshop SADC- GFA Consult- Simultaneous ing group- Malagasy (French-EnglishMinistry of Trade French) February 2016 Visit of Sonja Van Out- Wateraid Madagascar shoorn, in charge of (5 days) Human Ressources at the Regional Office of Wateraid, in Madagascar (workshops, interviews, trainings) January 2016 (5 days) Capacity building workshop on the sustainable ocean initiative, Marine Spatial Planning, blue economy, Nosy Be, Madagascar Simultaneous, Consecutive (EnglishFrench/MalagasyEnglish) Whispering, Consecutive (EnglishMalagasy-English) Secretariat to the Simultaneous Convention on (French-EnglishBiological Diversity – French) Nairobi ConventionUNDP December 2015 (1 day) National workshop and conference debate related to investments over large geographical areas. State Ministry in charge of Presidential projects and land planning- Harson Développement Communication Agency November 2015 (5 days) International meeting of Coreali Agency/ Orange Foundation Orange Foundation, Philantropy Simultaneous (French-EnglishFrench) Simultaneous (French-EnglishFrench) November 2015 (3 days) Official visit of the Regional Director of UNICEF Comoros (Workshop, Courtesy visits, Dinner) UNICEF Comoros Consecutive, Simultaneous, Whispering (FrenchEnglish-French) UNICEF Madagascar Simultaneous (Malagasy/FrenchEnglish-French/ Malagasy) November 2015 (three days) Workshop on WASH cost, Antananarivo OctoberNovember 2015 (twenty days) Exchange visit between Madagascar and Uganda) meetings, field visits, training, Uganda GSF Program- FAA/ MCDI/USF, Sanitation and Hygiene Consecutive, Whispering (EnglishMalagasy-English) October 2015 (Three days) Conference on security reform in Madagascar Antananarivo Prime Minister’s Office, UNDP Simultaneous (Malagasy-English) October 2015 (two weeks) Courtesy visit, Meetings, workshops, Antananarivo JICA, Education Whispering, consecutive (Malagasy/FrenchEnglish-Malagasy/ French October 2015 (Five days) Interpreter of Mr Jack Bariansky, UNICEF Consultant (Meetings, workshops) UNICEF, Nutrition Whispering , consecutive (Malagasy- EnglishMalagasy) September 2015 (one week) AGOA Inspection US Embassy Madagascar Simultaneous, consecutive, whispering (Malagasy/FrenchEnglish- Malagasy/ French) September 2015 (one week) Workshops, courtesy visit, field visit while 5 international journalists came to Madagascar to write stories on sanitation WSSCC/GSF Program/MCDI, Sanitation and Hygiene Simultaneous, consecutive , whispering (Malagasy/FrenchEnglish- Malagasy/ French) August 2015 (one week) World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden GSF Program- FAA/ MCDI, event organized by SIWI, Water Consecutive and simultaneous (Malagasy/FrenchEnglish-Malagasy/ French) August 2015 ( two days) Learning Worskhop on CLTS, Stockholm, Sweden GSF Program- FAA/ MCDI, event organized by Plan International, Sanitation and Hygiene Consecutive and whispering (Malagasy/FrenchEnglish-Malagasy/ French) August 2015 (two days) Meetings, Geneva, Switzerland GSF Program- FAA/ Consecutive and MCDI, Sanitation and whispering (FrenchHygiene English-French) August 2015 (one night) Celebration of WaterAid’s 15th anniversary WaterAid Madagascar Consecutive and whispering (FrenchEnglish-French) July 2015 (one Workshop, Nationalday) Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis UNICEF Madagascar, Simultaneous C4D (French-EnglishFrench) June 2015 (one month) Exchange visit: meetings, field visits, training GSF Program/FAA/ MCDI/USF Consecutive, Simultaneous, Whispering (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) June 2015 (one day) Panel discussion on ending child marriage UNFPA, Ministry of Population Madagascar Simultaneous (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) May 2015 (one week) Workshop, C4D, Fenerive Est UNICEF Madagascar. Consecutive, C4D simultaneous (Malagasy/FrenchEnglish-Malagasy/ French) May 2015 (two days) Workshop, Territorial anchoring of Development and inclusive growth , Antananarivo Matoy, Swiss Cooperation, Kboss Corporation Simultaneous (Malagasy-FrenchMalagasy) May 2015 (two days) International Tourism Fair, Antananarivo Tam Tam Agency April 2015 (one week) Training on community FOCOJ, University of radio and climate Antananarivo change for journalists and trainers, FOCOJ platform, University of Antananarivo April (two days) Courtesy visit, meetings and Field visit on the implementation of the Kigali Action Plan Simultaneous (French-EnglishFrench) Consecutive, whispering (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) Representatives of the Simultaneous, African Union Consecutive Commission; a WASH project with FAA, UNICEF, WaterAid April 2015 Working session of the (three days) SAFIR( Satellite navigation services for AFrican Region) “Introduction of GNSS/ EGNOS: Global Navigation Satellite System/European Geostationary’’, Antananarivo SAFIR March 2015 High level institutional (one day) triggering of the Malagasy government, attended by the President and the Prime Minister and other ministers, Antananarivo WSSCC, MCDI, GSF Simultaneous March 2015 (two weeks) WSSCC, MCDI, GSF Consecutive, Simultaneous Field visit at Vakinankaratra Region and workshops M a r c h Seminar :Women 2015 (one Business day) Simultaneous (French-EnglishFrench) in American Chamber of Simultaneous Commerce M a r c h Meeting on the American Chamber of Whispering, 2015 (one promotion of the Commerce Consecutive (Frenchday) Malagasy economy at English-French) the World Bank’s office, Antananarivo M a r c h International workshop 2015 (one on blue economy, week) Antananarivo UNECA-Facto Saatchi Simultaneous (French-EnglishFrench) M a r c h Contract negotiation, 2015 (one field visit, meeting week) Tyberius Madagascar Consecutive (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) F e b r u a r y 39th General assembly Aro Insurance 2015 (one of FANAF (insurance) week) Simultaneous (French-EnglishFrench) J a n u a r y Workshop on Nutrition 2015 (one week) ICF, USAID, Capsule Simultaneous Agency (French-EnglishFrench) D e c e m b e r Workshop on Nutrition 2014 (one day) Ministry of Agriculture, CCARDESA Whispering, Consecutive (French/MalagasyEnglish-French/ Malagasy) D e c e m b e r Field visit 2014 (two days) Ministry of Agriculture, CCARDESA Consecutive (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) D e c e m b e r Interpreter of the 2014 (one Delegation of the week) Singapore Business Federation during their stay in Madagascar, Toamasina SBF Consecutive (French/ Malagasy-EnglishFrench/Malagasy) O c t o b e r National Convention of 2014 (one Education by the week) Ministry of Education Antananarivo Ministry of Education Simultaneous (French-MalagasyFrench) O c t o b e r Several events (courtesy Institut de la Vision 2 0 1 4 ( o n e visits, outreach, official NGO. week) ceremonies) Whispering, consecutive October 2014 Several events (courtesy IOC, Smartfish and a (one week) visits, field visits delegation from Uganda Consecutive, Whispering (French/MalagasyEnglish-French/ Malagasy) S e p t e m b e r Meeting with the civil 2014 (one society day) Consecutive (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) African Union Commission February- June Several events (press Public Affairs Section Consecutive (French/ 2014 (intern- conferences, official of the US Embassy Malagasy-Englishship) ceremonies, award Madagascar. French/Malagasy) ceremonies, information session) Since 2013 late Video-conferences Communication with Anglophone Department of the teachers University of Antananarivo. Consecutive (Malagasy/FrenchEnglish-Malagasy/ French) 2013 Several events (conferences, sermons, trainings) Adventist Church of Tokpota, Porto-Novo, Benin Consecutive, Simultaneous (French- EnglishFrench) 2012 Several events (outreach, training) Marie Stopes Madagascar Consecutive (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) 2011 Several events (conferences, seminars, workshops, trainings, meeting) FOCOJ project Consecutive (French/ ( vocational train- Malagasy-Englishing in journalism) French/Malagasy) of the University of Madagascar in partnership with AUF and UN Since 2009 Several events (conferences, sermons, trainings) Adventist Englishspeaking Church Soamanandrariny Consecutive, Simultaneous (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) 2009 : Several events (visits, official ceremonies) Dodwell trust, Ambatolampy Consecutive (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) Several events (conferences, sermons, trainings) Adventist Church Ambatolampy Consecutive (Malagasy-EnglishMalagasy) 2009
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