Prateek Mishra

Prateek Mishra

Digital Marketer and SEO Expert
Exaalgia IT Solutions
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
33 years old
Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
5 years
Prateek Mishra Indore E-mail: -Contact No: -,- LinkidIn: Objective: To achieve a goal by choosing a challenging position that provides me valuable experience and improve my technical skills that I am gaining as part of my previous experience. Educational Qualification: Name of Exam Name of University/ Board School/College Year of Passing Result Aggregate (%) 10th M.P.Board Malav Bharti High School 2006 65 % 12th M.P.Board Garima Vidhya Vihar H.S.School 2008 61% EXPERIENCE: 1 year experience as a Business Development Manager at Exaalgia IT Solutions. 1 & half year experience as SEO specialist at Exaalgia IT Solutions. 1 year experience as CSO(customer support executive ) in Mphasis an HP company. 6 Months experience as a CSO at Firstsource Solutions LTD. SKILL: M.S.Office SEO/SEM/Internet Marketing Strength: Hard working, Quick Learner, Belive in team work, Punctuality. Personal Vitae: Date of Birth- Father’s Name Mr. Kala Kumar Mishra Mother’s Name Late. Mrs. Shashi Mishra Permanent Address 465/2, Sheetal Nagar Banganga, Indore. Marital Status Unmarried Nationality Indian Languages Known Hindi, English Hobbies Play Cricket, Listening Music and Reading novel. Declarations: I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: 14/7/2015 Prateek Mishra Place: Indore
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