Pavan Kumar

Pavan Kumar

Web Development
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Hourly ($/hour)
24 years old
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
0 years
Ajmera Pavan Kumar Hyderabad / India |- github |  linkedin ABOUT ME Myself Ajmera Pavan Kumar, I’m currently in 3rd year pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara. I am a fresher, aspiring to create a successful career in web development. I’m seeing a platform where I can implement my skills and knowledge for the company. EDUCATION INDIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VADODARA - B.TECH IN COMPUTER SCIENECE AND ENGINEERING • CPI: 6.39 SR JUNIOR COLLEGE HANANKONDA - INTERMEDIATE(11TH AND 12TH) • Percentage: 95.1 SRI VIDYARANYA AAVASA VIDYALAYAM RAMPUR - SCHOOL • Percentage: 92 PROJECTS PORTFOLIO Jan 2021 HTML, CSS AND JAVASCRIPT • Portfolio is personal website of the student. A student portfolio contains collection of the student data such like compilation of academics details, Projects, programming skills and hobbies etc. Aug 2020 - Nov 2020 ROBOTIC CAR IOT AND ROBOTICS • In this 21st century, smartphones have become an essential thing in our life. The primary objective of this project is controlling the car with an android application. For this user need to install the mobile application from play store on his/her mobile. RESTAURANT WEBSITE Sep 2020 HTML AND CSS • Online Restaurant Management System is a web application.The Restaurant management system is the system for manage the restaurant business. The main point of developing this system is to help restaurant administrator manage the restaurant business and help customer for online ordering and reserve table. In proposed system user can search for a menu according to his choice i.e. according to price range and category of food and later he can order a meal. HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM April 2020 PYTHON AND SQLITE3 • In this, we have created a healthcare information database system. This system can be used by various healthcare facilities for managing important data with lots of ease and improved efficiency. This system handles patient information, doctor information, prescription records of all the patients, department details, and medical test records of all the patients. LOAN SYSTEM 2019 JAVA GUI • The Objective of the project is,the loan management system is an application that will allow the bank employees to maintain all records of loans. In this user can create a bank account and also able to apply for a loan and the bank manager can access the data of the customer. SKILLS PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Experienced: Python | HTML | CSS Familiar: Javascript | Sql FRAMEWORKS & LIBRARIES Django | React | Bootstrap LANGUAGES Telugu | Hindi | English HOBBIES • Sports | Photography | Travelling | Music
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