Parameswaran R

Parameswaran R

Account Receivable, Payment Posting, Claims Creations, Rejection's, Month end report creation's
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India
8 years

Over the last 8 years I worked as a Medical Biller and A/R Specialist, my primary responsibilities were the following- timely submission of professional medical claims, Data Entry Billing, Payment posting, Follow-up with insurance companies for claims & appeals 

1 - Responsibilities to perform medical billing for the offshore provider (Doctor in the USA)

a. Insurance claims submission (primary, secondary or tertiary)

b. Strong claims follow up on denials from insurances

c. Eligibility & Benefits verification

d. Patient Billing 

e. Daily, Monthly and annual AR Financial reports preparation

f. ICD9 and ICD10 CPT and HCPCS Coding and/or review, Encoder pro Expert licensed version guided for correct coding

g. To research the right Diagnosis and Procedure code according to medical records

2. Clearinghouse I worked with are:

a. Gateway_EDI

b. Availity

c. Navinet

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