Otis H. Anderson, Sr

Otis H. Anderson, Sr

Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
46 years old
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
7 years

My name is Otis Anderson. I earned my degree in English: Creative Writing in May of 2007. After having studied under numerous published authors, I came to the same conclusion as many: that the written word is deftly important to society in terms of growth and understanding.

However, during my education, I noticed that many readers tended to focus on simpler works, what some might call anti-literary, or fictitious works that require little substance when compared to entertainment. I noticed that most readers shied away from classic works because there was a negative stigma attached. They were thought of as too difficult, too dense, too melodramatic to understand, and should therefore be relegated to the classroom. It is my hope to provide you with articles that will enliven the understanding of such works to the masses. My subjects will include everything from Epic Poetry, Shakespeare, Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, and Romantic constructs alongside a plethora of others within the context of modern society- including the importance they have today. Other subjects will broach: understanding the craft of writing by the use of modern works and how to craft eye-catching essays in analyzing fiction.

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