Osama Gamal

Osama Gamal

front-end developer
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Hourly ($/hour)
28 years old
Tana, Gharbia, Egypt
2 years
Osama Gamal F RO N T E N D D E V E LO P E R ProelE The title says Developer, right? OK. I like and enjoy building new things and developing ideas that would help others and communities around me, I have been in front-end development for around 5 years, and cross-platform development for almost 4 years LEHadls Showman St, Delta Towers Building +, Floor +, apartment 1 Tanta, +1512 Egypt- pmylonmEtH idsHorn ogamalii@5/gmail.com Front end Software Engineer, cloudsoft-it, tanta, egypt Egyption APRIL 2017 — APRIL 2019 Front end Developer, vouchery.io, Berlin O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8 — J U LY 2 0 1 9 Working remotely from home with a Berlin based startup for Front-end , Contactless.io, Remote AUGUST 2019 — PRESENT Senior front-end Angular and Javascript developer Flutter developer, Cloudsoft, Tana F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 8 — J U LY 2 0 1 9 Flutter developer, Driveddy.io, Remote J U LY 2 0 1 9 — F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0 N AT I O N A L I T Y D AT E H P L A C E O F B I R T X 19H8H199@ Tanta, Egypt kdtSs Linkedin Github Upwork Twitter facebook CSdlls JavaScript Part-time Flutter developer, Wellzista, Remotely FEBRUARY 2020 — PRESENT XTML CSS Senior Front-end developer , Poledance companion, Remote, Based on Berlin Angular JUNE 2020 — APRIL 2021 Reactive programming with R#.js I was leading the front-end for a Mobile application start-up and was consulted in new hiring for both web and mobile app decisions, such as new developer hiring, It started as Part-time then full-time. Typescript Flutter Dart React Senior Front-end developer, Proxify.io M AY 2 0 2 2 — N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 2 • I worked with the company and its clients providing an outsourced solution for developing a full-stack web application from scratch, including back-end integration's, front-end interface, and a database and also some cross-platform work. Senior Front-end , Reloadly NOVEMBER 2022 — PRESENT As a senior front-end developer, I'm co-working with a big team to deliver seamless ≤n-tech solutions in various ≤elds from mobile-top up to gift cards and in the future global reminiscences and global payment. Our clients are leading in their industries. Tiktok, Vodafone and Orange and many more 3 pucDaHdot Git sass MongoDB Ionic Svelte Node.js Vue.js Unity AR developing Cz bachelor degree of computer and technology systems, the higher institute of computer and technology systems, tanta katbcabEs English APRIL 2018 — PRESENT bacheler degree of computer and technology systems Arabic RocrsEs io dEs angular track , pluralsight SEPTEMBER 201@ — JANUARY 2017 Mobile Development with Ionic JANUARY 2017 — FEBRUARY 2020 fEIErEtDEs Mile from driveddy mile/driveddy.com Sebastiao from Wellzesta sebastiao.almeida/well|esta.com ( 655 )48: 9917+-2287 htHErtsgdys front-end internship, cloudsoft, tanta FEBRUARY 2017 — APRIL 2017 Front-end internship at Vouchery.io, Vouchery.io, Remotely NOVEMBER 2018 — FEBRUARY 2019 PorHIoldo Fekra consulting website M AY 2 0 1 7 — M AY 2 0 1 7 a website for a consulting services provided for student PhD and MA Thesis tech used in this projectq • XTML 5 • CSS+ • SASS • bootstrap 4 • Javascript • j=uery Linkq httpsqHHwww.useloom.comHshareHa-@-@2@-@e cloud UI Kit J U LY 2 0 1 8 — A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 a UI Kit for ionic + hybird apps tech used in this projectq • XTML5. • CSS+ • SASS • angular 4 • ionic + • Javascript Music, Cocking, Fitness, Translating movies and series, Movies and Tv series. • Typescript LInkq httpsqHHwww.useloom.comHshareH8c4@f18+1ef849@8a@5ac5@d252110f9 noura Elmahay meetings website APRIL 2017 — APRIL 2017 this a website created for teams to help them manage their online meetings, meetings goals and sections, topics and agendas tech used q • XTML • CSS+ • SASS • Material bootstrap • javascript • j=uery Link httpsqHHwww.useloom.comHshareH7@99ae2042++4@7e8ba1ca@7@8c0+a@2 UTC order app FEBRUARY 2018 — MARCX 2018 this app created to for a SA student graduation project, you can order from your lunch or break meal from the university cafeteria, it was linked with Firebase as a full backend tech tech used for this projectq • XTML 5 • CSS+ • SASS • Javascript • Angular 4 • ionic + • ≤rebase Firestore • Firebase cloud functions Link q httpsqHHdrive.google.comHopen?idZ15bNsGsw2rn=MT8SuOJIkSoSIDdvxeGM0 httpsqHHdrive.google.comHopen?idZ1=fdxiKrDxU5WPSQI22soTK4Yv_10UOio Pecards Flutter App, Tanta, Egypt JUNE 2018 — SEPTEMBER 2020 URL isq httpsqHHdrive.google.comHopen?idZ1+9PIbjJdpt-ABlcKp8W0k|NUcRh 7baX Guzal Flutter App, Tanta, Egypt S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 — O C TO B E R 2 0 2 0 Driveddy.GmbH, Remote, to a berlin based startup J U LY 2 0 1 9 — F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0 SingeApp, Remote NOVEMBER 2019 — FEBRUARY 2020 URLq httpsqHHapps.apple.comHusHappHsinge-leave-your-markHid-@2 SIM_Service Flutter plugin, Tanta J U N E 2 0 1 8 — J U LY 2 0 1 9 URLq httpsqHHpub.devHpackagesHsim serviceHversions
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