Onome Akpodonor

Onome Akpodonor

SEO Content Writer
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
26 years old
Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria
3 years

Born and raised in Nigeria, Onome is a Public Health Nutritionist and Certified Content Marketer with specializations in Content Writing, Storytelling, Copywriting, UX Writing, Audio Visual Scripting, Social Media, Voice Acting, Creative Direction, and Content Strategy.

Onome has written for a wide range of industries including Finance, Career, Business, Travel and Health.

Three things make Onome really happy, no, four things totally excite her - when she gets to hang out with her family and friends, when she gets to defend a cause, when she gets to eat good food, and when she gets to go to church!

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