Omar Sharif

Omar Sharif

Mobile Application Developer
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
25 years old
Sinnuris, Fayoum, Egypt
1 year
OMAR SHARIF Fadimin, Sinnuris, Fayoum, Egypt · --· LinkedIn Profile: omar-sharif-20a426148 · Facebook: Th3BlackScare Junior Mobile Application Developer with Flutter and Dart has a knowledge with Firebase and Familiar with 3rd-party Libraries and APIs. Ability to always look for ways to improve upon an already existing app to keep people downloading it and enjoying it. Strong eye for detail and tenacity to never quit on something until it is perfect. EXPERIENCE JAN 2020 – PRESENT MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPER, FREELANCER • • • • Create Mobile Applications that would be user friendly and full of features. Develop App Features. Design Beautiful and simple UI to give the user the best UX as possible. Develop apps that is working online based on RESTful API. EDUCATION SEPTEMBER 2018 – EXPECTED 2023 COMPUTER SCIENCE BACHELOR'S DEGREE, CULTURE AND SCIENCE CITY - 6TH OF OCTOBER UNIVERSITY 2nd year student. SKILLS • • • • Strong Knowledge in Flutter, Dart, Java, JavaFX. Familiar with Most Popular Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, macOS Good Communication Skills, and ability to work in team. Build sites with Wordpress. • • • • Strong knowledge with Web Hosting Engines like cPanel/WHM and Plesk for Linux. Applications for IOS, Android. Working with SQL. RESTful APIs with PHP
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