Okidi Michael Ochaya

Okidi Michael Ochaya

Data Associate
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
30 years old
Gulu, Gulu, Uganda
3 years
CURRICULUM VITAE NAME:                             OKIDI MICHAEL OCHAYA GENDER:                        MALE DATE OF BIRTH:            26 JUNE 1994 NATIONALITY:                UGANDAN CONTACT ADDRESS:    C/O IRIAGA LAROO DIVISION                                         P.O BOX 140                                         OFFICE OF THE LC1 LAROO DIVISION                                         TEL-/- EDUCATION BACKGROUND-        CERTIFICATE IN COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY AND MAINTENANCE                                     BUS STATIONERY-        UGANDA ADVANCED CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION                                    GULU HIGH SCHOOL-        UGANDA CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION                                   ST. CHARLES LWANGA’S COLLEGE-       PRIMARY LEAVING EXAMINATION                                   KOTIDO ARMY PRIMARY SCHOOL JOBS/ EMPLOYMENT RECORD EMPLOYMENT DATE                       JOB TITLE                             EMPLOYER October 18, 2017       Samasource Uganda Private Limited     Artificial Intelligence Expert AUGUST 11 2016              Signature Lounge and casino Cashier MARCH 222016                 Kalongo Town College Education Assistant JUNE 28 2014                      Uganda Bureau of Statistics Parish Supervisor 2011 - 2013                          WIDCO Company (Wholesale) Cashier ATTRIBUTES I have perfect public relations, excellent time manager, compassionate loyal at all times, willing to adjust to all conditions in case of any correction at work, honest and willing to work at all times. COMPETENCE SKILLS Excellent reporting skills Computing some  programs Experience in the conception and conduct of training activities Flexibility and ability to perform efficient a variety of tasks and have the capacity to work under high levels of stress, complex emergencies and pressure Communicate effectively and concisely, confidently and concisely using appropriate style, grammar and tone. Value staff diversity and treat all people with respect empathy and consistently. Able and willing to learn and act objectively as part of the team Self-guided, motivated, strong analytical, have organizational and planning skills with effective time management Ability to apply creative thinking to practical problems solving with an aim of improving service delivers. HOBBIES Reading Scouting Debating Making Friends     LANGUAGE     LANGUAGE SPEAK WRITE LISTEN ENGLISH GOOD GOOD GOOD LUO GOOD GOOD FAIR LUGANDA GOOD FAIR FAIR KISWAHILI POOR POOR FAIR REFERENCE 1. SIGNATURE LOUNGE AND CASINO       MANAGER        THOMAS ODONG       TEL. - 2. KALONGO TOWNCOLLEGE HEADMASTER ERIC CHARLES OKUMU TEL. -         3. UGANDA BUREAU OF STATISTICS SUB COUNTY CHIEF FILDER AMITO TEL. -  4. WIDCO COMPANY LTD SABINA LAWINO TEL-    5. SAMASOURCE UGANDA PRIVATE LIMITED COUNTRY DIRECTOR ALEX GICHURU                             TEL. - 6. SAMASOURCE UGANDA PRIVATE LIMITED TRAINING & QUALITY SUPERVISOR  FRANCIS MAKWA TEL-    7. SAMASOURCE UGANDA PRIVATE LIMITED TEAM LEADER JIMMY OLARA TEL. -
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