Oibone Enobio Yost

Oibone Enobio Yost

Writing, editing, change communication, journalism
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
45 years old
Davao City, Davao Region, Philippines
21 years

A communication specialist with extensive experience in change communication, communication for development, journalism, media relations, knowledge management, marketing and advocacy across a number of sectors such as governance, infrastructure, international trade, economy, conflict, recovery and peace-building. I was also an executive support specialist with experience in providing top-level administrative and technical support to agency head and management team. My work in previous employments spanned across the Philippines and the East ASEAN sub-region focusing on strategic communications, public outreach and other areas of peace and development work such as project coordination and management, planning, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation. 

I served as the Director for Substantive Matters at the Office of Presidential Protocol/Presidential Assistant on Foreign Affairs under the Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines whose work mainly involves ensuring a productive substantive outcome in the President’s international engagements through the preparation of Presidential briefers, speeches, messages and correspondences.

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