Noman Nasir

Noman Nasir

Web Developing Web Designing Social Media Marketing SEO
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
31 years old
lahore, punjab, Pakistan
1 year
Noman Nasir -- Web &Software Developer (BSCS) Objective To work in an organization where I can use my knowledge and skills to deliver value added services as well as further enhance my learning and develop my career in the related field of (Software And Web Development) and growth of my professional career on the basis of sincerity, honour and regularity hard Education Last Other Intermediate (Fsc Pre-Eng.) BSCS 2012 - 2016 Virtual University Of Pakistan Lahore 2010 - 2012 Abdul Salam Collage Faisalabad Personal Skills         Creative Thinker Imaginative Energetic Dead line lead Innovative Team Player Analytical Problem Solving Skills Interest Asp.Net Word Press JQuery My SQL OOP HTML 5 CSS 3 MVC App JQuery Bootstrap SEO Music Driving Discovering Computing Web Surfing Reading Cricket Key Competencies & Final Year Project .Knowledge of ASP.NET, XHTML, CSS, XML and JavaScript/ jQuery, WordPress, Web Bootstrap, HTML5 and MVC Framework. Development .Awareness of the Web Development industry, and new technologies. .Social Media Monetization Strategies. .Strategically thinking about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Digital Marketing also know the basic fundamentals and Ranking Algorithms of Google Panda. . Strategically thinking through all parts of the design process. .Knowledge of payment processing, customs clearance and multi-currency pricing. . Knowledge of international web standards and protocols. .Able to organize own workload effectively and priorities tasks. .Can quickly understands business requirements and then translates these into functional requirements. .Build customized websites to the highest specifications. .Work to under pressure and to tight deadlines. .Come up with solutions to seemingly intractable problems. .Carry out routine site maintenance. .Drive projects forward. .Work closely with other developers and professionals. . 6 month (1-jan-2016 to 30-June2016) as a software developer in digicon valley. . 6 month (1-July2016 to 1-jan-2017) as a web designer or developer in wamsol. Experience Step In Security: By using “SIT” colony security officer can be able to store data of all colony residents, vehicles, and school staff. Security officer can be able to generate all these for security. Scope of this application was to provide a tool that can store a large amount of record of employees and their family members and generates reports. Portfolio Personal Details Sex Marital status Religion Date of Birth Nationality Professional : : : : : Male Single Islam 20/09/1993 Pakistan Step In Security Final Year Project
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