Nikhil Kamboj

Nikhil Kamboj

iOS and Android
Innovative Softwares
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31 years old
Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
5 years
NIKHIL KAMBOJ Contact Number:- OBJECTIVE To obtain a software engineering position through which I will use a comprehensive understanding of technical needs to achieve corporate goals. EDUCATION Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology​ 60.0% June 2012 HBSE board 12​th​ standard 60.0% March 2008 HBSE board 10​th​ standard 70.0% March 2006 TECHNICAL SKILLS Language​s Ios,Objective c,Swift 3.0,JAVA, ANDROID,C,C++,SQL Databases ​SQlite, MySQL Tools ​Eclipse,Android Studio,xcode RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Software Engineer​, Key Software Services Pvt. Ltd., Kurukshetra August 2012 to till date 1 . Worked in the Performance Measurement and Quality Assurance team 2. Designed, developed and tested Applications and gave Quality assured Product. 3. Collected data, verified data integrity, provided solutions for representation of data, and provided solutions and fixes for problems 4. Build Applications for clients as well as in house applications based on Android and ios. ORGANISATIONAL PROJECTS I WORKED ON Ios Project : Socity App : ​Socity App is mainly used used for society's this project i am currently working on HB-WOOD​ : ​This trivia based puzzle app is a test of your knowledge about cinema and films at large which includes films from Hollywood and Bollywood both. It is high time that you sit back and jog film and fun side of your memory :) You are invited to answer questions which give enough clue to make life easier in the first step so that you can complete the answer by filling the missing letters in the next step. SmartMenu : ​Smart Menu is a full-featured, real-time groupware solution for restaurants and cafes. It is designed to simplify and automate a range of food business operations which include services offered to guests like food selection and ordering, kitchen operations for handling order queue and food preparations, support staff like waiters taking up guest requests, cashier operations for billing and payments, back office operations for maintaining inventory and purchases, management operations for overall monitoring and quality assurance and last but not the least system administration WaheGuru : ​This application is an attempt to capture such insightful text and useful information that constitute daily dosage of wisdom in a sikh's life and turn it into a user-friendly application. k-magic trick : ​This app is a virtual adaptation of simple magic tricks One could be doing with playing cards i.e. using card tricks to read others mind and predicting their memorized card. You & Me Tic-Tac -Toa : ​This game is virtual adaptation of a popular game "Tic-Tac-Toe", normally played by 2 players on a piece of paper which is alternatively called "noughts and crosses" OR "X's and O's" also. Players namely O and X take turn to fill boxes in a 3×3 grid, usually X going first. The player who succeeds in filling three consecutive boxes in a straight line or across the line wins the game. Kaithal Bar Association : Kaithal Bar Association application is an official directory application of District Bar Association Kaithal. 81 Squares : ​It is a number-placement puzzle commonly known as ‘Sudoku’. The goal is to fill 9×9 number places with appropriate numbers. It requires some number crunching to fill complete each square with appropriate number once game starts with a partially completed grid. It is all between your logic- building skills and 9 numbers. Android Project : BookMyForex Foreign Exchange : ​BookMyForex is the world's first and largest currency exchange marketplace that lets you find and exchange foreign currency at the best rates possible after comparing across hundreds of banks and money changers in your area.​Capitalize on our ongoing zero margin sale and buy foreign currency at exact interbank/ mid-market rates until Sept 30, 2016. Key features​:rest api, Push notifications, and Social media login. Fr8ology : ​Fr8ology is an innovative online app that simplifies booking transportation services across India. Launched by industry professionals with over thirty years of experience in the freight and logistics domain,Fr8ology aims to become India’s leading logistics company. Our easy-to-use app and user-friendly Website allows you to receive instant pricing information through a unique online bidding system. Key features​:​ ​sqllite, rest api, Push notifications, Localization and Social sharing. Grocery Delivery :​ ​Shopping for groceries and household essentials is now even easier with Grocery Delivery​, Singapore’s leading online supermarket shopping app. Shop on the go and get fresh produce, home necessities, pantry goodies, heavy & bulky items and specialty products delivered right to your door. Key features​:rest api, Push notifications, and Social media login. Keyss Manager ​is a real-time ​This is a Android based application that provides different kind of privileges to employee based upon his level in management hierarchy. Being an online application status system has the advantage of remote access for employees and employers who may be constantly traveling​. Key features​:​ ​sql lite, rest api, Push notifications, Localization and Social media login. You Me And Boxes​ ​You Me & boxes as the name suggests, is a simple yet interesting game played by 2 players. This is a virtual adaptation of the game played on a piece of paper normally. It is targeted at the young audience primarily. Key features​:​ ​core data, localization, animation 81 Squares ​is a number-placement puzzle commonly known as ‘Sudoku’. The goal is to fill 9×9 number places with appropriate numbers. It requires some number crunching to fill complete each square with appropriate number once game starts with a partially completed grid. Key features​: Sqllite, Ads HB-WOOD​ ​This trivia based puzzle app is a test of your knowledge about cinema and films at large which includes films from Hollywood and Bollywood both. It is high time that you sit back and jog film and fun side of your memory :) You are invited to answer questions which give enough clue to make life easier in the first step so that you can complete the answer by filling the missing letters in the next step. Key features​: Animation,Sqllite Maintenance Project ​Done the work on the various maintenance Project like Earn Smile, KCardMagic, Android KNOWLEDGE Eclipse - And Engine, Ad, In-App purchase,​ Core Bluetooth Framework, Social Framework, Sockets, Google SDK, Localization, Push Notification, Web Services, Rest API. IOS KNOWLEDGE XCode Ad, In-App purchase​, Sockets Image Framework, Localization, Push Notification, Web Services, Rest API. HOBBIES Addicted to Video Game,Dance, Listening to Music, Hanging out with friends and Surfing on net.
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