Nic Still

Nic Still

Over 4 years experience in media relations, internal/external communications
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
34 years old
Nantes, Pays de La Loire, France
4 years
EXPERIENCE MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS ADVISOR TOURISM INDUSTRY AOTEAROA | MAY 2018 - SEP 2019 On-call media advisor for CEO and C-suite, negotiating with NIC STILL national and international media to organise TV & radio MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST external industry magazines, including a new social media EUROPE & NEW ZEALAND CONTACT interviews and statements in line with stakeholder and New Zealand Government messaging Created high-performing stories for company websites and strategy leading to significantly higher engagement from targeted audiences and current stakeholders Improved the quality and open rates of company newsletters and press releases by creating better targeted content and established tone of voice to a combined audience of 10,000 Coordinated international and national media contacts for company trade show TRENZ, in partnership with stakeholders Air New Zealand FRANCE: - WHATSAPP: --LINKEDIN: @NICSTILL INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS ADVISOR + WEB CONTENT ADVISOR (DUAL ROLES) UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO | APR 2017 - MAY 2018 Created high-profile, effective copy for VP/VC publications, and managed press release schedules for PERSONAL PROFILE Experienced, creative and driven media and communications specialist, previously employed at New Zealand's best research university and government not-for-profit. Exceeds company targets through highperforming communications content, three campuses (and their comms teams) across the country Spearheaded the overhaul of both the media monitoring system and university Style Guide to increase accuracy, clarity and web accessibility Coordinated media and communications strategy for 20,000 students in a hugely effective partnership with New Zealand Electoral Commission, including managing freelance writers media advisory negotiations, and genuine interpersonal skills. Instrumental in achieving effective WEB & PRINT PUBLICATIONS JOURNALIST UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO | SEPT 2016 - APR 2017 collaboration with some of New Increased quantity and quality of University publications Zealand's biggest companies on by seeking out and producing effective stories to appeal communications projects. to both web and print audiences REMOTE ACADEMIC EDITOR PRIVATE CLIENTS | SEPT 2015 - JAN 2017 EDUCATION BACHELOR OF ARTS, MAJOR IN MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO | 2012 - 2016 CERTIFICATE IN DIGITAL MARKETING SHAW ACADEMY | 2016 TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE CERTIFICATION 120+HRS SHAW ACADEMY | 2016 Editing private clients' academic work (primarily in health sciences) for clarity, errors, and both APA and Cambridge formatting, via video and phone calls SKILLS Google Analytics, Meltwater, Silverstripe, Oracle, Hootsuite, Photoshop Social media strategy, website and web-specific content development, copywriting for corporates, non-profits, and government agencies
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