Nemrod A. Dulay

Nemrod A. Dulay

Online Teaching and ESL Trainor. IELTS and TOEFL Speaking coach.
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Hourly ($/hour)
41 years old
Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines
10 years
Nemrod A. Dulay Home Address: Sipat Street, Dist#3, Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines, 3305 Cell Phone Number:- Email:-/-Skype: nems_dulay1 To obtain a full time position in your company, that I would be able to contribute career growth and enhancement for the betterment of your institution. Seeks a varied and challenging position that will enable me to consolidate my professional experience, expand my knowledge and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. I.PERSONAL INFORMATION Gender: Male Date of Birth: December 12, 1983 Place of Birth: Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines Age: 32 Religion: Christian Citizenship: Filipino Civil Status: Married Height: 166 cm. Weight: 52 kg. Language / Dialect: English, Tagalog/Filipino II. HIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATION     BS Education Major in General Science, Minor in English Pines City Colleges, Baguio City Good Communication Skills Finished a Course in Center for Technical Excellence Integrated School Inc. on American Accent Training and Teaching English as a Second Language With Masteral Units in General Science (Physics and Chemistry) IV.EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND College Education: Pines City Colleges, Baguio City- Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education High School Education: Isabela State University, High School Department- Cauayan South Central School- Elementary: V. WORK EXPERIENCE Company: Position: Years of Stay: ACADSOC Senior Teaching Staff (IELTS/TOEFL) June 2015 to Present Company: Position: Years of Stay: Cambridge School of Baguio City Toddler and Kinder Garten Teacher June 2012-March 2013 (1 year) Company: Position: Years of Stay: International Masters of English Center (IMEC) Senior EFL Teacher, Librarian, American Accent Trainer for Teachers, Speaking classes Coach, Assistant Head Teacher 7 years, from- Company: Position: Years of Stay: Highland Tutorial Services, Baguio City Team Leader for Teachers- (1 year) Company: Position: Years of Stay: Pines City Colleges, Baguio City Science Teacher- (1 year) VI.SEMINARS /TRAININGS ATTENDED 1. SILAW Theater Workshop ISU-CC 2. Philippine Society Youth Science Club ISU-CC 3. KAWAYAN School paper ISU-CC 4. Philippine Society Youth Science Club ISU-CC 5. Philippine Society Youth Science Club ISU-CC 6. The Pillar’s Voice OLPCC 7. Peer Counselors’ Core group OLPCC 8. Campus Ministry Workshop OLPCC 9. TINIG Theater Workshop OLPCC 10. BIGKIS Puso Pinoy Seminar La Sallete – Isabela 11. Provincial Science and Math Seminar OLPCC 12. Leadership Seminar OLPCC 13. Oriented Science and Math OLPCC 14. SINAG Theater Group PCC 15. ESL Training and Workshop CTEISI 16. American Accent Training CTEISI 17. English as a Foreign Language IMEC And Teaching Strategies 18. Teaching Methods and Strategies ACADSOC - VII.SKILL(S), INTEREST(S), AND ACCOMPLISHMENT(S)         A good knowledge in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Word Good knowledge in PC hardware and software programming Good English speaking and written skills Skilled in Stage Decorating and Back drafting Fan of attending seminars I like watching movies, reading books and playing sports Skilled in Social Dances ( Dance Instructor) Skilled in Activity Planning and Organizing programs VIII. Affiliations 1. KAWAYAN school Paper 2. SILAW Theater 3. Philippine Society Youth Science Club 4. Campus Ministry 5. Peer Counselor Core Group 6. Supreme Student Council 7. Dance Troop 8. The Pillar’s Voice 9. Science Club 10. PCC- Education 11. Rotary Club 12. Student Executive Council 13. SINAG Theater Writer Actor Facilitator Member Vice- President Bus. Manager President Senior Writer President President Member Treasurer Founder ISU-CC ISU-CC ISU-CC OLPCC OLPCC OLPCC OLPCC OLPCC OLPCC PCC PCC PCC PCC IX.CHARACTER REFERENCES 1. Mrs. Clariza C. Franco School Principal Our Lady Pillar College –Cauayan, High School Department Cauayan City, Isabela -. Mrs. Luz D. Furuc School Teacher, DepEd. Cauayan North Central School Cauayan City Isabela -. Mrs. Grace M. Casauay Dean, College of Education Our lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan Cauayan City, Isabela - I hereby certify that the information above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and have been made in good faith. Nemrod A. Dulay Applicant
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