I am a top rated freelancer at upwork and certified kubernetes application developer by linex foundation.
I have a great experience to develop large-scale applications by applying TDD (Test Driven Development ) approach, Containerize or Dockerize the Application and deploy to the Kubernetes on Clouds like AWS and Google Cloud. I can also create serverless Mobile ios and Android Applications for you by using Firebase functions or AWS lambda functions or Google Cloud.
Why me?
It’s a very demanding question. However, I have divided the answer to this question into various categories. Every part ponders upon our qualities and highlights the expertise that gives me competitive edge over other market players.
I offer Reasonable Price.
I propose Guaranteed Result.
I emphasize on customer delight.
I am well equipped in following skills:
React Native
Native Base
Postgres SQL
AWS lambda functions
Google Cloud
Deep Learning
Once you're associated with me you will witness your project turning into an innovative reality. My first priority is customer satisfaction and provides a Reliable, Scalable, Quality and Attractive product, What I provide is a very personalized, tailor-made approach that ensures that you are getting exactly what you want.
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