

Dot net developer
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
35 years old
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
2 years
Navatha  -  - Major Skills – •ASP.NET 2.5, 3.5 •C#.NET •SQL Server 2005, 2008 •ADO.NET • Web Services •JavaScript •Ajax •MVC Professional Summary: A Professional with 2.3 years of experience in IT industry with Internet & Client/Server Application Development. Expertise skills in Web Development using ASP. Net, C#, Java Script, XML, HTML, XHTML, CSS, Web Application Development using C# and IIS (Web Server). Experienced in WCF, Web Services Having knowledge on MVC, ENTITY Framework, Angular JS Extensively worked with ADO.Net (Data Access) Technologies to access database objects for connecting applications to data sources. Experienced in SQL Server 2008, developing T-SQL DDL/DML Statements, Procedures, Triggers, Views, Backup/Restore, export / import. Capable of quickly learning and delivering solutions as an individual and as part of a team. Possess good analytical, problem solving skills, ability to meet deadlines, and work on multiple projects. Updating the skills as per the industry standards. Enthusiastic in working with new technologies and new applications. Educational and Professional Development: B.Tech in Information Technology (I.T) from Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University Anantapuram (JNTUA), A.P. Other Skills: Programming Languages: C, C#.NET, Ajax, Linq. Scripting Languages: Html, JavaScript, and JQuery. Back Ends: MS SQL Server 2005, 2008 Distributed Technologies: WCF, Web Services Internet Technology: HTML, ASP.NET 2.5, 3.5. Reporting Tools: MS SQL Server reporting services Server: IIS 6, 7. Key Technical Abilities: • Software Design and Layout • Software Development • Quality Assurance • Maintaining Database • SRS Career Development – Employment Details: Software Developer: - Websoftex Software Solutions Private Limited (Sep 2015 to Till Date) Current Employer Major Projects: Project 1: Title: Pay Avenue Team: 4 Brief Description: Pay Avenue is India’s largest mobile commerce platform. Pay Avenue offers mobile recharge, Bus Booking and utility bill payments and today it offers a full marketplace to consumers through its website and mobile apps. Key Technologies: .NET, ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL Job Responsibilities: Responsible for independently designing, coding, testing and database management by using C#, ASP.Net and SQL Server with JavaScript. Used payment gateway (CC Avenue) Developed web forms in ASP.NET using C# as the code-behind language and LINQ as the SQL data consumer Used ADO.NET objects such as Data Adapter, Data Reader, Dataset and Data List for reading/updating records in the database. Developed master pages. Involved in design and development of the database in SQLServer 2008 Involved in creation of stored procedures and Triggers in SQL SERVER. Wrote several JavaScript functions. Used Ajax library, CSS, JavaScript and various web controls to present data to users in a much comfortable environment. Unit testing module level Project: 2 Title: MAC Associates Team: 4 Brief Description: Mac Associates is a service provider and one stop shop for all the real estate needs. We can buy, rent and sell any real estate projects across locations. This service provider has won accolades from all the customers who are satisfied and became patrons of this service provided. Key Technologies: .NET, ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL Job Responsibilities: Responsible for independently designing ,coding , testing and database management by using C#,ASP.Net and SQL Server with JavaScript Developed web forms in ASP.NET using C# as the code-behind language and the SQL as data consumer Used ADO.NET objects such as Data Adapter, Data Reader, Dataset and Data List for reading/updating records in the database. Involved in the development of Presentation Logic for GUI of ASP.NET pages. Implemented user interface using HTML, CSS, AJAX and JavaScript.  Involved in creation of stored procedures and Indexes in MS SQL Server 2008. Unit testing module level Project: 3 Title: Genius Marketing Team: 4 Brief Description: Genius Marketing is a leading provider of seeds ,fertilizers ,pesticides .They also do a sand testing for farmers and recommend what crop can be grown and what fertilizers ,seeds and pesticides to be used for good crop. They also recommend on the agricultural products and farming activities. Key Technologies: .NET, ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, XML, Web Services Job Responsibilities: Responsible for independently designing ,coding , testing and database management by using C#,ASP.Net and SQL Server with JavaScript Developed web forms in ASP.NET using C# as the code-behind language and the SQL as data consumer Used payment gateway (Perfect money) Used ADO.NET objects such as Data Adapter, Data Reader, Dataset and Data List for reading/updating records in the database. Developed master pages. Developed Web Services Developed Ajax Controls. Implemented user interface using HTML, CSS, AJAX and JavaScript.  Involved in creation of stored procedures in MS SQL Server 2005. Unit testing module level Previous Employer Major Projects: Project 4: Title: Assure Life Team: 4 Brief Description: Assure Life is led by professionals with more than 25 years of experience into financial services, Technology Development and products selling along with Manpower recruiting and training. Assure Life Foundation (NGO) is supported by Assure Life. Key Technologies: .NET, ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL Job Responsibilities: Developed web forms in ASP.NET using C# as the code-behind language and SQL as data consumer. Responsible for designing web forms using different ASP.NET Server controls. Used ADO.NET to connect to the database using the SQL Server .NET data provider. Responsible for Testing - unit testing, testing of all modules during any enhancements. Worked extensively with data bound controls like Grid View. Used validations Controls for side validations Wrote Classes that can be reused. Used Java Script validation for client side validations. Involved in creation of stored procedures in MS SQL Server 200 Project: 5 Title: SJK Steels Client: SJK, Hyderabad Team: 3 Brief Description: It is a web based intranet application specially built for Marketing Staff in the organization to enter their TA (Traveling Allowance) Bills, Setting permissions according to the level of Designations, entering Daily Call and Monthly call reports, allocating Head Quarters, Leaves Approval, Adding/Deleting Employees, Rolling Plan Bills etc. The application also consists of many screens which involve Contact Details, Feedback sessions, Problem logs, Recommendations, approvals, galleries etc. Key Technologies: C#.Net, ASP.Net, Windows 2008, SQL SERVER. Job Responsibilities: Responsible for designing web forms using c# and different ASP.NET Server controls. Worked on SQL Server Prepared CSS classes which helped the look and feel. Prepared user manuals for the project. Involved in following modules : Registration module Leave application module Reimbursement module Involved in functional and unit testing of the application Declaration I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge. Date: Place: NAVATHA
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