Natasha Rehman

Natasha Rehman

Social media marketing and graphic designing
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
31 years old
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
3 years

My recent professional experience with a digital marketing agency was crucial in building a team-oriented perspective. To guide and seek guidance within a team is where the strengths lie. It aids in setting the tone of communication for clients or brands unanimously. Furthermore, the influence that technology has had in recent years cannot be neglected. Therefore, it is my firm believe that cross-profession integration is decisive for turning success stories. Although during the course of my professional experience there were a few aspects of digital marketing that I didn’t cover in my academic time, like technical execution of digital media plans or strategies, Adwords and other aspects of digital. However, the practical experience helped to bridge the gap and also showed me the direction for my further studies, i.e., Masters degree. 

The employment opportunities that would be created would not only promote learning and growth but an exposure to compete on a global stage resulting in an improved image of the country as a whole.

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