Nadine Orande

Nadine Orande

I am a Customer Service Representative that assists and provide excellent service.
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
25 years old
Naga City, Bicol Region Camarines Sur, Philippines
2 years

 I have worked in a BPO industry for a 2 years with 3 different accounts as a Customer Service Representative both voice and chat support. US, Canada, and Australian account to be specific. I am willing to contribute something efficient for the growth of the company. I am passionate about providing good services to the customers. I am very flexible and well driven to learn new things. With an experience of being a Customer Service Representative back in the years, I have built strong interpersonal skills, I always have a positive presence when at work, and I am confident to say that I have strong work ethic. Throughout my entire journey, I realized that I have gained these characteristics. I can easily cope up with changes, I am a great team player, I am flexible with my time, I am efficient with my resources and most of all I am willing to learn something new especially if that will make me be a better employee.

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