Myrich Lim

Myrich Lim

Analyst | Quantitative Developer | Math Tutor | Math Editor
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Hourly ($/hour)
32 years old
Antipolo, Rizal, Philippines
4 years
Myrich A. Lim Galang Compound, Antipolo City-- OBJECTIVE To join an institution where I can give my best help to their growth using the skills I acquired from my studies in BS Mathematics program EMPLOYMENT HISTORY FREELANCE ANALYST/DEVELOPER February 2018 - Present Responsibilities: • Perform statistical analysis of various research data and give interpretation of the analysis • Develop a trading system that selects and buys the stocks that will likely to go up in terms of price MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Abdenour Achab Organization (AAO) April 2017 - Present Responsibilities: ● Take charge of the customer support for AAO’s businesses such as, i.e. address prospect’s concerns and inquiries ● Analyze on the payments made for AAO’s mortgage note business ● Work on the social media platforms of such as its facebook page and twitter account ● Improve the contents of CONTENT MODERATOR November 2015 - April 2017 297 Kingsbury Grade, Suite 1025, Lake Tahoe, NV, USA Responsibilities: ● Make reviews more readable by editing the spelling, punctuation marks, paragraph length, personal information and profanity. ● Convert phone and online surveys into readable reviews without changing the thought of the respondent. ● Remove online surveys that are considered not suitable for publishing ● Format online surveys that are considered publishable so that they are easier to edit ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mediacore Advertising Services Bankers Village, Antipolo City May 2015 - October 2015 Responsibilities: ● Create a check voucher when a company has a business transaction ● Create a payroll sheet for the employees of the company every 6th and 21st day of the month ● Check the reimbursed amount for the expenses made by the employees with field assignments ● Monitor the bills that the company needs to be paid Achievement: ● Created an automated reporting system to generate bills for the clients using excel QUANTITATIVE DEVELOPER Berkeley Quantitative Research Inc. Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City Oct 2013 – April 2015 Responsibilities: ● Generate trading ideas for stocks, forex and commodity markets using mathematical models found in research publications. ● Automate the trading ideas using computer programming ● Analyze the investment performance of the automated trading ideas to determine its profitability. Achievement: ● Developed and automated a highly profitable trading idea to be used in trading forex and commodity markets EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Mathematics University of the Philippines- Diliman- Honors Received: ● Graduated as ​cum laude ● University Scholar 1​st​ year, 2​nd​ Semester 2​nd​ year, 1​st​ Semester 3​rd​ year, 1​st​ and 2Semester College Scholar 1​st​ year, 1​st​ Semester 2​nd​ year, 2​nd​ Semester CHARACTER​ ​REFERENCES available upon request EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES VOLUNTEER WORK 1. Diliman Learning Resource Center ​ Volunteer Corps ​June 2010 - Oct 2011 Responsibilities: ● Handled review session for freshmen students in our university who are about to take their mathematics examination. ● Helped those students who have difficulties on their mathematics-related subjects. ● Supported their seminars by sharing ideas and concepts to maximize the efficiency of the advocacy. Achievements: ● Increased the number of participants in our review sessions through recruitment process and advertisements. ● Recognized as one of the ​Natatanging Mag aaral ​of University of the Philippines – Diliman for being a peer mentoring volunteer SEMINAR ATTENDED Machine Learning Approaches for Biomedical Data By: Tsuyoshi Kato University of the Philippines ​January 2012 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ● Can simplify mathematical ideas to a layman’s term ● Has ability to apply Mathematics on some business activities ● Proficient in the fundamentals of Actuarial Science and Operations Research ● Proficient in Microsoft Office Applications, especially Excel ● Speaks fluent in Filipino and English ● Has working knowledge in programming ● Knoledgeable in SPSS
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