Muhammed Nahas A

Muhammed Nahas A

Logo and Branding Specialist
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
28 years old
Calicut, Kerala, India
8 years

With 8+ years of experience under my belt and a tried-and-true approach to my work, I am the perfect contractor for your project.

I specialize in crafting quality logos and branding materials that capture all the best parts of your business. Whether you want a small update to a current logo or a complete branding overhaul, I have the tools and expertise to make it happen.

Timely communication is essential to my workflow. It allows me to stay ahead of deadlines and adhere to project guidelines. Making this a priority throughout my process ensures exceptional results and happy clients. Every time.

My skills include: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Social Media Marketing,

I graduated from University of Calicut with a Bachelor's Degree on Computer Science, and am currently working as Design Lead at a Creative Agency in Calicut

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