Muhammad Shoaib

Muhammad Shoaib

Experienced in Content Editing, Internet Marketing SEO, Blog Editor/Writer and Marketing Expert.
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
37 years old
Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan
6 years

I have 5 years’ in-depth experience in Content Editing, Internet Marketing and SEO. Worked as Blog Editor/Writer/Internet Marketing Expert having different responsibilities including.

  • Online marketing, social media, digital journalism, and content syndication.
  • Experience writing and editing for mass consumers at variety of brands.
  • Have the metabolism and interest in moving quickly to try new things, iterate, and experiment.
  • Strong in-depth skills with SEO and WordPress troubleshooting.

·        Strong knowledge of online marketing and major social media channels.

Providing exceptional, informative and engaging social content, including brand awareness and reputation management.

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