Mitchell H. Allen

Mitchell H. Allen

Data Extraction From PDF to Excel
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
63 years old
Waynesboro, Virginia, United States
20 years

My goal is to ease the pain and suffering of fellow data analysts. I take bulky PDFs, squeeze the good stuff out and pour it into nice, clean Excel tables. Along the way, I filter out the pulp (unless you LIKE pulp), stir in a half cup of filtered essentials and deliver a tasty table for your further work.

If you have other file formats for your source data, I can help you clean them up, as well. The larger the PDF files are, the more you will appreciate having someone who has a high-end extractor (from the pros at Foxit.) This beast can extract thousands of pages in milliseconds, leaving me plenty of time to focus on your clean-up requirements.

Don't take my word for any of this. Google ParserMonster and see for yourself.

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