

UI/UX designer and WordPress developer
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
38 years old
Kragujevac, Serbia, Serbia
7 years

My name is Miodrag, currently working a freelancer, graphic and web designer for about 6 years now. I am very well familiar with WordPress, which is my main point of interest last couple of years. I perfectly understand how WordPress works, know how to manage it, develop custom website from the ground (I use Divi theme a lot lately, but I am not working exclusively with it), experienced with HTML and CSS, familiar with JavaScript and PHP. I am very experienced with on-site SEO and improving website speed performance. Weather client asks UI/UX design, converting design to WordPress website or whole pack, I always provide top-notch service. I like to consider myself WordPress specialist, and totally act like one.

I am used to collaborate with people all over the world using various tools, I am patient philanthropist, hardworking employee, willing to learn and transfer my knowledge. 

Feel free to contact me to hear a joke, talk about colors or ask for free sample service!!

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