Michael Champion

Michael Champion

Writing. I like it, love it, and want some more of it.
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
39 years old
San Diego, California, United States
3 years

I don't just enjoy writing, I love it. Writing's one of the few creative outlets I've discovered that allows for so much flexibility. Whether it's writing for business or pleasure, words have a sometimes underestimated power to not only influence, but inspire its readers to action, whether that action's purchase a riveting new novel, or starting that workout routine you've been putting off every new years.

I like to keep myself flexible, so I usually work on a job to job basis, but have no issues working on a dedicated team given the right situation. Clear communication is also very important to me, as I'm not a fan of wasting time chasing the wrong goals on projects.

Thanks for reading my profile, I look forward to our future business.

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