For over 2 years I have master the skills of lead research, sourcing candidates,
data leads research and market research. As an independent contractor, my desire is to
help people through research expand from small scale to large scale industry. I
have considered myself as a guru for this niche, an internet research savvy person
that requires analytical skills and eye for details. aside from working online i also have 45 years experience working as administrative officer in a private company and become a PWD (person with disability) advocate that provide for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities and more significantly is aimed toward improving their employment opportunities,
These are the services I offer:
Administrative Task
American Sign Language Interpreter
Lead Research
Lead List Building
Candidates Sourcing
Data Extraction
Contact Discovery
Email Sourcing
Valid and Verified Email Addresses
Candidate Research
LinkedIn Research
Mailing List development
Contact List Building
Prospect List Building
Email List Generation
LinkedIn Prospecting
List Building
Data Entry
I pride myself with the skills I have and will be happy to impart
you what I learned in order to help your business becomes successful.
Allow us to be part of your team and I will be an asset that gives only
whats best for your company.