Melanie D. Layto

Melanie D. Layto

Research and Writing
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
43 years old
Tagaytay, Cavite, Philippines
1 year

I'm very passionate when it comes to research and writing. I love this work because I gain knowledge and my mind won't be stocked up. It's more fun to express yourself in writing than to talk to your neighbors about rumors (this will not help me).Sorry to mention this but it's quite true and I know you will agree.

On the other hand, upon attending some training, I learned many things and realized that research and and writing would be more fun and interesting when applied to the digital world! You're not only sharing your personal ideas and "google", but you're also using the latest technology that will help you save time on looking for information all over the world! Here's some of the important tools and techniques I've learned:

  1. How to come up with blog topics in a specific niche using keyword search (Google Trends)
  2. Use Google keyword Planner and
  3. Check the keyword ranking probability in
  4. For the content idea**,** check

These were the short courses and webinars I've attended in FHMoms:

  1. Basic SEO
  2. Basic Graphic design using Canva 2.0
  3. Basic email marketing
  4. Email and chat support
  5. Virtual Assistant
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