Megan Hernandez

Megan Hernandez

Copy editing, proofreading, project management
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
Matawan, Nj, United States
18 years

I have over 18 years of experience in the field of publishing. I began working as an editor for the highly regarded Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2001. During my time there, I held various editing positions, under which I was responsible for proofreading, editing, and publishing articles for scholarly journals in several different science-based disciplines. I spent my last 4 years at the IEEE in a project management-oriented role. In every position I held at the IEEE, I worked closely with managers and directors and maintained daily correspondence with the authors and Editors-In-Chief of the journals I published. In this deadline-driven field, I honed my ability to prioritize projects and perform well under pressure early in my career. I was trusted to make judgement calls and to promptly resolve any issues that would arise. In addition, I developed strong organizational skills as well as the ability to multitask in an extremely detail-focused environment. Above all, my oral and written communication skills are impeccable. Please see my resume for a more extensive review of my work history, education, and skills.

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