Maysam Rezaei

Maysam Rezaei

piping designer,fire extinguishing system designer,project planning
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
41 years old
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
6 years
MAY YSAM R REZAE EI Date of B Birth: 20 July 11984 Place of B Birth: Tehran Nationality: Iranian Marital Status: Marriedd Military S Service Statuss: Served Permanent Addresss: Cellphonne: - E-mail aaddress: mayssam.re1984@ Educatiion: Bachelor off Science in F Fluid Mechaanical Engin neering, Islam mic Azad Unniversity Souuth Tehran Branch, Tehrran, Iran,- B Experieence: Noor Neda S N System Co. ((N.N.S) (EPC C contractor in Fire &Seccurity solutioons) –Tehran central o office D Duration: Seep. 2016 till Oct. 2018 P Position: prooject expert R Responsibili ities: • Manage all Kind of Firee detection annd extinguishhing system in i all divisionns with Prim mavera s software(P6) ). • Design & pprepare Comm mercial & Teechnical offer for Fire dettection and extinguishingg system. • Design CO2 and FM2000 Fire suppreession system ms according to NFPA12& &2001with VDS V h hydraulic callculation softtware. • Design Water Sprinklerr system for iindustrial areea according to NFPA13 with w PIPENE ET h hydraulic callculation softtware. • Design Foaam-Water Sprinkler system m for industrrial area accoording to NFP PA11&16. • Sample proojects: many airport serveer rooms, manny departmennts of justice datacenters,, Mammut g group paint sshop, the treaasures of docuuments of National librarry and archivve of I.R.Irann. O Oil& Energyy Industriall Developmeent (O.E.I.D)) (MC& EPC C contractor iin oil & gas) – C Cheshmekho osh Oil Produuction Exploiitation/ wellhhead facilities and pipelinnes/ Gas Injecction UnitT Tehran centrral office: D Duration: A Apr. 2015 till Sep.2015 (Full time) P Position: Deeputy of projeect manager Responsibilities: • Performed technical clarifications (MR, Datasheet) with vendors to finalize procurement procedure. • Manage technical meeting with vendors, consultant & End user (ICOFC). • Held meetings with W.W.T. construction contractor to finalize scope of work & Pre-Inspection Meetings along with QC to settle scope of equipment and piping inspection & testing. • Effective coordination management with client, vendors & discipline engineers to solve any design interface difficulty. Petro Tarh Farayand(consultant company in oil& gas)–Dehloran oil production& desalting unit Duration: Mar. 2013 till Mar. 2015 (full time) Position: Site piping engineer Responsibilities: • Generate as-built isometric drawings with PDMS • Modify line list, plot plan and composite layout documents by changing in construction • Close collaboration with commissioning team(ODCC) • Participated in P&ID, Project Specifications, Vendor Documents and Drawings review meetings • Find solutions for construction teams troubles. • Worked on related international codes and standards e.g.; API, NFPA, ANSI, ASTM, ASME. • Participated in weekly meetings on request of employer (OEID) to accelerate project completion • Generate MTO for utility division Iran International General Contractor Company (I.G.C) (EPC Company in Oil & Gas) - The South Pars Gas Field Development - Phases 20 & 21 (Assaluyeh Site) Duration: Nov. 2011 to Dec. 2012 (full time) Position: Piping Expert Responsibilities: • Prepared the Isometrics to feed construction group (spool) • Check the review model for best spool generation • Took off material (MTO) • Balanced the material • Generate joint history for QC discipline • Participated in Kick-off Meetings with employer (OIEC) Oil Turbo Compressor Engineering Company (OTEC) (EPC contractor company in Oil & Gas) –Tehran central technical office Duration: May 2008 to Nov. 2008 (full time) apprenticeship Position: Design Engineer Responsibilities: • Design equipment and piping with PDMS • Stress analysing with Caesar II Skills and Qualifications: Familiar with MSP&P6 softwares and project management basics Ability to perform hydraulic calculation by PIPENET software Attended the M.E.M didactic course” Expertise in process design” in 2015.Covered subjects (Aspen plus software, HTRI, Line sizing, HAZOP study, Control system) Attended the International English Language Testing System (IELTS): Band Score 6 Attended the university course ”Design plants with PDMS software” Attended the university course ”Stress analysis of piping systems with CAESAR II software” Attended the Tehran university course ”Auto cad software” Perfect knowledge of Computer, Internet, Office 2010 Career Objective: Seeking for a challenging position as a piping design engineer or coordinator engineer in a company that can help me improve my skills and advance my career. References available upon request
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