Mary Grace Silverio

Mary Grace Silverio

Increase your Ecommerce business revenue 10X through social media and email marketing
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
37 years old
Manila, NCR, Philippines
9 years
EXPERIENCE 2019 2018 2017 MARY GRACE SILVERIO DIGITAL MARKETER SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER E-COMMERCE EMAIL MARKETER PROFILE I help e-commerce stores 5X their revenue with digital marketing. CONTACT SHOPIFY EXPERT BELLAEZRA.COM | AUG 2019 - PRESENT EMAIL MARKETER FILSTOP.COM | SEPT 2018 - PRESENT SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING CONSULTANT FILSTOP.COM | MAY 2018 - PRESENT ONLINE BUSINESS OWNERS ORG | JAN 2018 - PRESENT EXECUTIVE VIRTUAL ASSISTANT VA STAFFER | OCT- 2011 CHARGEBACK ANALYST 2010 USER SUPPORT DESK ANALYST Concur Technologies Philippines |- Altare Publishing House |- EDUCATION SOCIAL MEDIA ACADEMY APRIL - MAY 2018 Social Media Academy is a one-month online program that teaches beginners and intermediate freelancers and social media managers how to rock the social media market OFF UNIVERSITY MAY- JUNE 2019 OFF University Ecommerce Program takes you step-by-step through everything you need to know from creating a store from scratch, to finding the best product to source, to identifying your target audience, to launching Facebook campaigns, to reading the data and to scale your business to the moon! DE LA SALLE - COLLEGE OF SAINT BENILDE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Major in Business Management Graduated in 2011 Scholar under Blessed Arnould Study Assistance Program -- SKILLS EMAIL COPY WRITING PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CONTENT WRITING PROJECT MANAGEMENT ECOMMERCE MANAGEMENT FB ADS CAMPAIGN FOR ECOMMERCE DIGITAL MARKETING SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT Pangasinan, Philippines SOCIAL @mommymacho @orangesilverio @orangesilverio @orange silverio SHOPIFY STORE CREATION
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