Marl Tutor Ale

Marl Tutor Ale

Article Writing/Virtual Assistant/Researcher
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
49 years old
Davao City, Region 11, Philippines
15 years
Marl Tutor Ale, MBA Current Address: Mobile Phone No: Tel. No. (Work): E-mail: Date of Birth: Nationality: Blk. 53, Lot 12, Parrot St. Country Homes, Cabantian, 8000 Davao City, Philippines - - / --06 June 1975 Filipino He is proficient in handling Operations Management and Research, a Financial Analysis, expert in Sales and Marketing Management as well as Organizational Development Administration. Marl is an Associate Professor V and a former Program Head of the College of Business Administration of St. John Paul II College of Davao teaching Organizational Development and Marketing Management. He has been working in an NGO funded by German Technical Cooperation Program (GTZ) as a Senior Organizational Development Officer, a Financial Analyst of Davao Cooperative Bank, and work as an Assistant and Associate Professor of AMA Computer College of Davao and University of Mindanao, respectively. He is also an International Property Consultant of Filipino Homes. He earned his bachelor’s degree of Education and Business Administration in the University of Mindanao (UM) – Tagum City and John Paul II College of Davao. During his tertiary education in UM, he was awarded the UM Student Achiever’s Award with the general weighted grade of ninety-three percent (93%), UM Editor’s Award and UM Loyalty Award. He majored General Management for his Master of Business Administration (MBA) in the University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP) garnered a weighted average grade of ninety-five (95%) percent. Currently, he is pursuing his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in Organizational Studies in the University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP) at Obrero Campus, Davao City, Philippines He is a loving father to a lovely wife and son.
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