Mark Marius B. Miano

Mark Marius B. Miano

I am a Web Designer and Developer. I make them look awesome!
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
31 years old
Caloocan, NCR, Philippines
3 years

Hi! My name is Mark Marius B. Miano. You can also call me Mox. I am 25 years old. I have been working as a Web & Graphic Designer since 2015. I have previously worked as a Designer for Marq Web Designs. As a Designer, I was responsible for customer bespoke websites, graphic designs and customer after-sales support. I always have so much interest and ideas since I started designing back in 2015. Having thoughts on how I can make one website standout and how people would interact with it. I also have a background on Digital Marketing which is very helpful for companies that needed tools and assets to market their products in different platforms. Most of my stint in designs are with either Digital Marketers and Media Productions so I can assure that outputs are with great leads, functionality and the best eye-candy.

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