Marius Parasca

Marius Parasca

Senior React Developer | NextJs | Senior Frontend Developer
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
28 years old
Vicovu De Sus, Suceava, Romania
4 years

Extremely productive person, every minute is a productive one. I commit to developing applications with: React, React Js (Typescript). These technologies have a superior User experience. You can write an app with the same code as Paypal, Reddit, and WhatsApp.

I help you update, redesign, or build your product from square one. 🛠

I embrace a test-driven and code-review culture. 🧐 I am not only about writing code. It is about building intelligent project architecture, helping with usability/accessibility and design.

❓ Why Me :

✅ 5000hours worked on Upwork ( with only positive reviews

✅ High-quality software with high performance.

✅ I am a clear communicator with everyone on the team

Top technologies I am skilled at:

💪 React (React-Relay, Redux-Saga/Thunk, React Routing, etc.)

💪 NextJS

💪 Javascript

💪 Typescript



💪 Material UI, Radix, ant-design, etc.

💪 Jest/Enzyme/Cypress

🔥 GraphQL

🔥 RestFull API

🔥 Socketio

I am also Artic Code Vault contributor. Feel free to check on my Githib @Marius Parasca.

You can learn my skills by talking to me or reviewing my portfolio. 🙌🏻

Don't hesitate to contact me any time and share your ideas!


I work with some superstar clients, and my time is limited, so I invite you to reach out. I might end my available slots to give you pure value about how to develop the app.

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