Maria Victoria Loyola

Maria Victoria Loyola

Date Entry, Data Analyst
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
45 years old
San Jose del Monte, Region 3, Philippines
4 years
MARIA VICTORIA R. LOYOLA Blk. 10 Lot 23 Citiville Subd., Tungkong Mangga , San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan Cel Nos- Email Add:- CARREER SUMMARY An accurate and fast typing data entry clerk who can quickly fit into any busy office environment where I can manage high volumes of work. I am naturally enthusiastic, always pays attention to detail and can perform to a high level of accuracy. I have extensive knowledge of specialist data entry software and equipment, and is more than able to maintain effective working relationships with supervisor and co-workers. I am currently looking for a suitable position with a company where there is opportunity to progress and develop. EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Course College : : Computer Science in Design and Programming AMA CLC Manila JOB EXPERIENCE Date Position Company : : : February 2012 -Present Data Entry Specialist / Data Analyst iMove Consulting Agency Under Upwork  Accurately inputting confidential details into databases.  Copy/Paste of complete details of each product into Client’s ecommerce website from Supplier’s website  Ensuring that all data is accurate, up to date and useable.  Updating systems to maintain the correct information.  Inputting client information, surveys, and statistics data into in-house system & excel spreadsheets.  Operating office equipment like printers and tape machines.  Updating, maintaining and retrieve data held on computer systems.  Raising work orders.  Communicating clearly over the phone.  Able to work under pressure and to deadlines.  Tran-scripting paper-based records to computer files.  Comparing inputted data with source documents.  Deleting unnecessary information.  Checking source data & Identifying garbled or incorrect data.  Complying with data integrity and security policies.  Knowledge of correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. PLATFORM USED IN DATA ENTERING Magento. Ebay. TurboLister. EKM Powershop. Sears. Overstock. Amazon Seller Central Date Position Company : : : July 2016 – August 2016 Homebased Outbound Call Center Agent Diabetic Depot Short Term Position Work involves:  Offers blood sugar test for Diabetic Patients for free  Patients must confirm or accept the offer for a successful sale. Date Position Company : : : March 2008 – February 2012 Admin Assistant Laperal and sons Inc., Manila Work involves:      Record keeping Responsible of collecting monthly rentals, dues and arrears of legal tenants. Encoding, Layout for souvenir jobs Prepare various administrative tasks and duties. Preparing letters for demands. Date Position Company : : : February 2005 – March 2008 Company Secretary BMJ Orthotech Medical Supplies, Manila Work involves:      Encoding Inventories and ordering of orthopaedic supplies. Preparing of Statement of Account of Medical Agents. Handling Official Receipts Emailing. Date Position Company : : : October 2003 – February 2004 Assistant Store Manager Mini stop Convenience store, Baclaran Work involves:      Implementing rules and regulations of the store. Monitoring sales and inventories of the store supplies. Daily ordering. Transmitting of daily records of the store to the main office thru online. Receiving of deliveries. Key skills KNOWLEDGE OF  Data inputting  Administration  Data mining  Confidentiality  Basic IT literate  Problem solving  Checking information  Correcting errors KEY COMPETENCIES  Able to do repetitive work accurately for long periods of time.  Excellent speed and accuracy skills.  Comprehensive knowledge of excel and other Microsoft programmes.  Fast, accurate typing ability.  Fully aware of confidentiality issues regarding the use of private and confidential information. PERSONAL INFORMATION Birthday Birthplace Civil Status Height Religion Language Spoken Spouse Name : : : : : : : REFERENCE Available upon request. October 21, 1979 Manila Married 5’2” Roman Catholic Tagalog, English Angelito C. Loyola
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