Maria Stevany

Maria Stevany

Create and build web application
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Hourly ($/hour)
35 years old
palembang, sumatra selatan, Indonesia
5 years
Maria Stevany- Summary Self taught cross platform Software Developer. Going from nothing, no knowledge, no experience to abundance. Fast learner, analytical, risk taking, eager to learn when meet challenges, put client’s best interest at heart, keep moving forward, never stop until reach the goal. Technical Skills Programming Languages : Java, Vb6, C#, Vb.Net, Delphi, PHP, Matlab Operating Systems : Windows, Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Mint, Mageia, Mandriva) Tools and Technologies : JSP, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Java Script, JQuery, Ajax, Spring Framework (Boot, MVC, Data JPA, Rest, Security), Hibernate, Laravel, Thymeleaf, Entity Framework, Compass, AngularJS, ReactJS, Redux, VueJS, Material Design, Bootstrap, Material Design, BIRT, Jasper Reports, Crystal Reports, RDLC Report, Tomcat, Jetty, GlassFish, Mockito, ExpressJS, NodeJS, Webpack, Git Databases : MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB Others: SDLC, OOP Education Detail Faculty of Informatics Engineering 2006 - 2010 at STMIK MDP Job Experience Charitas Hospital August 2011 - February 2016 Software Developer PT. Interbis Sejahtera June 2009 - March 2010 Sales Administration Projects Detail General Assessment Language: Java Framework: Spring (MVC, Data JPA, Security), Hibernate, Thymeleaf UI: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax Report: BIRT (Bussiness Intelligence Reporting Tools) Databases : MySQL, MSSQL Server Web Server : Apache Tomcat Queue Prescription Language: C# Framework : Entity Framework Database: MS SQL Server Report: RDLC Report Interests Reading book, learning new technologies, programming, travelling, trekking
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