Maria Merca Malero

Maria Merca Malero

Email Marketing, Copy Writing, Snippet (SEO) Writing, Customer Service
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
36 years old
Tanjay City, Negros, Philippines
3 years

I stopped going to the office to attend to my family’s needs and since our family is getting bigger I decided to find a job that will not cost me to leave home. If ever I will be one of the applicants that will be given the opportunity to work for you I will make sure that I will meet your standards and will have a working career for you for a long time. Being reliable and independent is one of the factors that will greatly help me achieve my tasks, I have experienced working in a BPO company and I can work very well in a team. I have been an SEO writer, copywriter, chat support agent, data entry specialist, and a back end support. I work hard for each task assigned to me. There is no task that I will not handle seriously. I will continuously challenge myself to improve and grow professionally.

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