Maria Kristina Dela Cena

Maria Kristina Dela Cena

Social Media Marketing
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
33 years old
Capiz, Western Visayas, Philippines
0 years
MARIA KRISTINA DELA CENA SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER | GRAPHIC ARTIST Efficient in terms of whatever tasks you needed to complete. I am motivated to make your work easy and turn leads into income, and I am convinced that I can complete any task that is assigned to me on schedule. CONTACT WORK EXPERIENCE - Executive Assistant SHINE JGNera Training Consultant | 2018 - Present - /kdcdigitalmarketing Sending Proposal and Answering Inquiries Making content and posting on Social Media Finding Leads /mariakristinadelacena Assisting physical events and sessions Poblacion Proper, Mambusao Executive Assistant Capiz, Philippines 5807 Woosu, Inc |- Branding DATE OF BIRTH JULY 25, 1991 Making Graphics and Content for posting Process business papers Processing bank needs SKILLS LANGUAGE English Filipino EDUCATION BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Communication Creativity Teamwork Organization Leadership Design Branding 2010 - 2014 Product Design STI COLLEGE Layouting
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