Manuel Recinos

Manuel Recinos

Marketing and Design Expert, Content Creator, Creative Writer, SEO UI and UX expert.
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Hourly ($/hour)
30 years old
Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras
6 years
JESUS RECINOS MARKETING AND DESIGN EXPERT, CONTENT CREATOR, CREATIVE WRITER, SEO UI AND UX EXPERT. PERSONAL PROFILE ACHIEVEMENTS I'm a passionate Marketing and design expert, highly motivated, energetic and creative individual. I can design, deploy and create high quality material, such as web interfaces, graphics and layouts. I'm experienced at conceptualizing, executing and managing projects with really high standards i give big importance to UI and UX in my projects. -Successfully lounging an online community with thousands of subscribed members. -Creating a Social Media outrage campaign responsible for successfully selling thousands of dollars in inventory. -Giving a conference in IT for a large group of lawyer and notary professionals representing Google Apps for enterprise. WORK EXPERIENCE ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Tele sales Representative SMB Google Apps™ Fransisco Marroquin University ESOURCE CAPTIAL BACHELORS DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WITH MARKETING AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP MINOR 2015 - Implemented marketing and advertising campaigns - Prepared marketing and advertising strategies, plans, and objectives; planning and organizing presentations-Created, delivered, edited, and optimized marketing materials. - Coordinated and delivered mass mail campaigns -Worked with manager and business units to determine event budget and manage expenses to that budget. Senior Marketing Executive My favorite courses where: -Global Management -Organizational behavior -Dialogs humanities -Business Analytics -Economics -Entrepreneurship ISHOA ESTUDIOS MARKETING AGENCY - Produced multiple TV and Online Marketing campaigns included, AudioVisual Material, Graphics and layouts and Web interfaces. - Executed and managed SEO content for an online platform for Business Marketing, working closely with clients, elaborating designs and creating high quality content with IU and UX as a top priority. Visual Art Course STUDIED AT ARS ARTIS ACADEMY, FUNDAMENTALS OF COLOR AND DESING, WITH WELL KNOWN ARTIST WALTER PETER BRENNER CONTACT INFORMATION SKILLS AND ABILITIES Cell: - Email:-Portfolio: Address: Sandy Bay, Roatan, Bay islands. Honduras. -Online Marketing, SEO UI and UX expert. - Web Interface and Graphic Designer, - Self-motivated and proactive
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