Manuel Arriaza

Manuel Arriaza

Customer Service - Appointment Setter Representative
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
37 years old
Masaya, Masaya, Nicaragua
7 years

I got my Industrial Engineer degree in 2010, and after that I started several job positions according to my profile, however, since 2015 I've been a freelancer with multiple skills. Appointment setter, Virtual Assistant, Customer Service, and many other job titles have been part of the roles that I could perform as a freelancer.

I truly believe in my skills and I'm pretty sure that I can prove this with actions and not just words, when I apply for a role it is because I know that I can fit in your organization. As freelancers, we always develop acknowledge and skills, so many of us can adapt to any role. I have availability to work as a part-timer or full-time, it does not matter if the campaign is related to EST or PT time.

Some of my hobbies are watching women's football and using social media like Twitter, with my kids (I have two) we play Nintendo Switch and watch anime.

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