Mahmoud Hossameldin

Mahmoud Hossameldin

Go beyond the coding of Wordpress, Woocommerce websites
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Hourly ($/hour)
27 years old
Rostov-On-Don, Rostov-On-Don, Russian Federation
1 year

-Building a Wordpress Woocommerce store is not a rocket science but meeting the user expectations is which deserve calling. there is a call "working hard" that is repeated in almost all Upwork proposals. but I have an additional "Working Smart" which will save you thousands of dollars you spend on the marketing team to bring the target audience from wasting. yeah, there are thousands of dollars are wasted because of not working smart! I have two examples
1-in the developer side
2-in the site side

THE FIRST: when a developer does a store and work the wrong way. for example instead of listing the categories list in a specific page by a function according to a logic function that brings the categories. hard coding it copying and pasting the links! what will cause you every time you want to add a category to ask him for adding it in the page! that will waste your money -but will increase the developer's wealth-

THE SECOND: when you spend thousands of dollars on the marketing plan to bring the audience and because of silly mistakes the audience leave the site unsatisfied regretting coming here! (which is solved by the User Experience Design and Strategies) for example, think that you have a massive store that has too many compatible products like (Laptops - Laptops chargers) and a visitor wrote in the search bar (charger for Lenovo i7 Laptop) and all the results are laptops! no doubts he will click on the X button on the top right and get out.
but finding the product is not the final destination. think that you have an accordion check out page. and in the fourth step the user wanted to edit something on the third page and instead of clicking on the third page he clicked on the browser back button. back to the Cart page! Sure he will not refill the form again and will leave insulting the functionality that the store works by.
So I offer to work in two ways: the "hard" and the "smart" to empower the functionality and usability of the site that will for sure increase the conversion rate Double multiples. and saving thousands of dollars for you.

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